Monday 24 July 2017

Moving Average Classpad

(Dinâmica de Estruturas). . . (). (). . . Omrankadeh. . . . . Vetriiees. ac. ir. -. (.). . . (Anil Chopra) Dinâmica das estruturas, Anil Chopra. (Clough Penzin) Dinâmica de Estruturas. De. Clough Penzin () Dinâmica Estrutural. Teoria e computação. Quinta edição. Mario Paz (). () () () 3 120 9:11 (). . () 197 11:51 aisc (4 4,63) () 14,5 Matlab. . SAP2000. (...) 15:35 Dinâmica Estrutural: Teoria e Computação 2ª Ed - Mario Paz Descrição do Produto Esta Segunda Edição de Dinâmica Estrutural: Teoria e Computação é o texto completo e abrangente no campo. Ele apresenta métodos modernos de análise e técnicas adaptáveis ​​à programação de computadores de forma clara e fácil. O livro é ideal como um texto para alunos de graduação avançada ou estudantes de pós-graduação que realizam um primeiro curso em dinâmica estrutural. É organizado de tal forma que pode ser usado para um curso de um ou dois semestres, ou abrange os níveis de graduação e pós-graduação. Além disso, este texto servirá o engenheiro praticante como referência primária. O texto difere da abordagem padrão de outras apresentações em que os tópicos são ordenados pela sua complexidade matemática. Este texto é organizado pelo tipo de modelagem estrutural. O autor simplifica o assunto ao apresentar um único sistema de grau de liberdade nos primeiros capítulos e depois se desloca para sistemas com muitos graus de liberdade nos capítulos seguintes. Este texto é essencial para estudantes de engenharia civil. Os engenheiros civis profissionais encontrarão uma referência ideal. 2º Ed - 1985 Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc Idioma: inglês ISBN-10: 1402076673 ISBN-13: 978-1402076671. . . 22: 8 (nazaninbold) 2,626 1,93. . . 1 2 1- 2 -. . . . . . 7:52 Formação do curso Calendário do curso Notas da classe 1 - Introdução Notas da classe 2 - Formulação das equações do sistema SDOF Notas da classe 3 - Vibração livre dos sistemas SDOF não amortizados Notas da classe 4 - Vibração livre dos sistemas SDOF amortecidos Notas da classe 5 - Caracterização das propriedades dinâmicas do SDOF Notas da classe 6 - Cargas harmônicas em sistemas SDOF Notas da classe 7 - Cargas harmônicas em sistemas SDOF (Cont.) Notas da classe 8 - Excitação básica de sistemas SDOF Notas da classe 9 - Introdução aos acelerômetros Classe 10 Notas - Cargas periódicas em sistemas SDOF Classe 11 Notas - Notas sobre a Classe 12 Integral de Carregamento Impulsivo e Convolução - Introdução à Integração Numérica Classe 13 Notas - Integração Numérica Newmark Classe 14 Notas - Spectra de Resposta dos Sistemas SDOF Notas da Classe 15 - Introdução aos Sistemas DOF ​​Múltiplos Classe 16 Notas - Parâmetros Distribuídos Modelos do Sistema MDOF Classe 17 Notas - Condensação estática Classe 18 Notas - Vibração livre de sistemas MDOF Classe 19 Notas - Eigenval Problema e Modo Ortogonalidade Classe 20 Notas - Vibração Forçada de Sistemas MDOF Classe 21 Notas - Vibração Forçada de Sistemas MDOF Damped Classe 22 Notas - Matrizes de amortecimento Classe 23 Notas - Contribuições de resposta modal Notas Classe 24 - Sistemas MDOF Excesso de terremoto Classe 25 Notas - Espectral Contribuições para design sísmico. 15:19. . . . . . . . . 10:15 A data de encerramento para inscrições é. 01122016 Taxa de cancelamento: 30 se cancelado após 01112016. A Conferência Anual MAV é a maior conferência educacional no hemisfério sul. Oferece 8 sessões ao longo de 2 dias com mais de 40 opções de apresentação por sessão, bem como uma exposição industrial para mais de 60 empresas. Este ano, estamos introduzindo o registro Early Bird. Registre-se antes de 1 de agosto de 2016 para receber o preço com desconto. Local de evento: Universidade de La Trobe MAV ABN: 34 004 892 755 Keynote - Ensino de Matemática e YouTube (Apresentador: Burkard Polster) Nesta apresentação, Burkard falará sobre suas experiências de comunicação matemática como The Mathologer no YouTube e usando seus próprios e outros vídeos Peoplersquos Em seu ensino. Keynote - Same Sermon, New Jokes (Apresentador: Marty Ross) Então, é notável o que se tornou da educação matemática: os currículos são de um estilo totalmente novo, com livros didáticos para combinar a matriz da feitiçaria tecnológica são tópicos familiares sem fim tratados de maneiras Dificilmente teríamos imaginado novos tópicos surpreendentes surgiram do lado de fora e assim por diante. É tão diferente, o produto de décadas de esforço. Nesta apresentação, procuraremos explicar como a educação de matemática australiana tornou-se o que é, e devemos tentar repartir o devido crédito a todos os responsáveis. Keynote - Perguntas de Palavra (Apresentador: Paul Swan) Muitas vezes pergunto-me sobre como melhorar o ensino de perguntas de palavras (especialmente a variedade de múltiplas partes) em matemática. O teste nacional geralmente envolve fazer uma pergunta de palavra para verificar a aplicação de um conceito matemático. Verifique se o problema está na matemática ou nas palavras. Se você tira as palavras, os alunos podem fazer a matemática fundamental no cerne da questão Se eles podem realizar o cálculo ou a matemática, é provável que o idioma associado da questão e a questão da estrutura da palavra esteja causando o problema. Tente usar uma análise NEWMAN para determinar onde a leitura e interpretação do problema está ocorrendo. Para obter uma visão geral deste processo, consulte: curriculumulumsupport. education. nsw. gov. auprimarymathematicsnumeracynewman. Anne Newman desenvolveu cinco prompts para quebrar as perguntas de palavras em 1977. Os dois primeiros prompts são: Leia a pergunta para mim. Se você não sabe uma palavra, deixe-o fora. Diga-me o que a pergunta está pedindo para você fazer. As respostas às duas primeiras perguntas lhe darão uma indicação sobre o problema. Para interpretar uma pergunta de palavra, os alunos precisarão de um grande vocabulário. Veja: belb. org. ukDownloadsnummathematicsvocabulary. pdf. Este é apenas o começo. Os alunos precisarão usar essas palavras. Um dicionário de matemática ajudará, mas simplesmente olhando palavras em um dicionário como termos e tabelas de matemática não é suficiente por conta própria. Keynote - Lets Count: famílias e educadores trabalhando juntos para inflamar matemática infantil Aprendizagem e implicações práticas para os primeiros anos de escola (apresentador: Ann Gervasoni) Letrsquos Count é um novo programa australiano e uma resposta de justiça social ao fato de que os resultados educacionais para crianças Viver em comunidades desfavorecidas é estatisticamente menor que para aqueles que vivem em circunstâncias mais vantajosas. O Count de Letrsquos foi projetado para apoiar especificamente famílias para ajudar suas crianças pequenas a aprender matemática e desenvolver disposições positivas para aprender. Esta apresentação descreve o Programa de Contagem de Letrsquos, as respostas da família e do educador e informações sobre aprendizagem de matemática de crianças pequenas. Por exemplo, a pesquisa do Count de Letrsquos descobriu que, no final do ano pré-escolar, muitas crianças já haviam alcançado muitos dos resultados matemáticos descritos no Nível 1 do Curriculum Australiano: Matemática. As implicações do Contagem de Letrsquos para a transição da criança para a escola, currículo e ensino nos primeiros anos da escola serão exploradas. Keynote - Conexão de Aprendizado de Matemática para Crianças Jovens (Apresentador: Joanne Mulligan) Esta apresentação promove uma abordagem integrada para o ensino e a aprendizagem de matemática. Os recursos subjacentes comuns que ligam os conceitos matemáticos são baseados em uma Conhecimento do Padrão e Estrutura Matemática (AMPS). O raciocínio espacial desempenha um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento de conceitos e processos matemáticos e no desenvolvimento de AMPS. Exemplos extraídos de uma série de projetos de pesquisa, o Programa de Sensibilização em Matemática e Padrão, focado em crianças de 4 a 8 anos, demonstrará como essa abordagem integrada visa mover o ensino e a aprendizagem de matemática além da numeracia básica para descobrir padrões e relacionamentos matemáticos relacionados. A apresentação ilustra como o projeto avalia o desenvolvimento matemático das crianças através de uma entrevista de Avaliação de Estrutura e Estrutura (PASA) e exemplifica uma pedagogia inovadora, o Programa de Sensibilização em Matemática Padrão e Estrutura (PASMAP) que se concentra em idéias matemáticas conectadas. Keynote - Uma explosão de esperança para o ensino e a aprendizagem de nossos futuros matemáticos (Apresentador: Matt Sexton) O dicionário Merriam-Webster define a esperança como um verbo que significa que ldquoto quer que algo aconteça ou seja verdade e pense que isso possa acontecer ou Ser truerdquo, e um substantivo que significa ldquoa sentir que algo bom acontecerá ou será mais difícil. Nos últimos anos, inspirei-me pelo trabalho de Jo Boaler (Universidade de Stanford) que se preocupa com o apoio de professores e alunos como trabalhadores matemáticos bem sucedidos e pensadores. Nesta apresentação, vou compartilhar histórias do meu trabalho (que não necessariamente começaram em um lugar esperançoso), onde alunos, professores e eventos moldaram e inspiraram uma nova esperança no mehellipa de algo de bom para o ensino e a aprendizagem de Nossos futuros matemáticos. Keynote - Não tanto Um golpe, mas um gemido (Apresentador: Rob Vingerhoets) Therersquos não vai ser nenhuma explosão em matemática ensinando e aprendendo até obtermos algumas coisas sobre os filhos e como eles aprendem matemática e como devemos ver as matemáticas em geral E aulas de matemática especificamente. Nós, a profissão docente estamos fazendo um trabalho médio de atrair nossos filhos em matemática. Isso não é uma boa notícia. A melhor notícia é a falta de boa vontade em professores dedicados e ainda mais boas notícias é que você pode mudar a maneira como você olha e envolve as crianças com matemática. Esta nota principal explicará sobre o que podemos fazer, como professores, para tornar-nos mais confiantes e positivos sobre matemática e invariavelmente nos tornam professores de matemática mais eficazes. Keynote - Salas de aula de Matemática - Por que alguns fogos de artifício e outros Apenas Sparklers (Apresentador: Derek Hurrell) Por que é que de todas as matérias, as matemáticas parecem ser aquelas que causam a maioria dos olhos e o ranger de dentes entre estudantes não só, mas Um bom negócio da população em geral. Como podemos mudar a imagem das matemáticas para ser mais Indiana Jones e menos Hannibal Lecter. Alguns pensamentos sobre a imagem que as matemáticas têm e o que isso pode ter. Keynote - Modelos de atividades interdisciplinares STEM - Como se pode fazer a matemática (apresentador: Russell Tytler) O acrônimo STEM ndash Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática - é cada vez mais usado na política e no discurso curricular na Austrália. O STEM está se associando a abordagens curriculares interdisciplinares, muitas vezes baseadas em projetos. Um argumento fundamental para isso é a necessidade de tornar a experiência dos sujeitos da STEM mais envolvente para os alunos através de atividades que melhor representam a natureza interdisciplinar das práticas do mundo real. Esta abordagem levanta questões sobre como o ensino e a aprendizagem da matemática podem contribuir melhor para essa agenda de engajamento e como esse trabalho interdisciplinar pode contribuir para os alunos, pensando e trabalhando matematicamente, além de um simples processo processual. Nesta apresentação, vou recorrer a pesquisas realizadas na Deakin sobre projetos de inovação STEM, experiência também com a Academia STEM da Universidade de Sydney e nossa avaliação do programa Científicos e Matemáticos em Escolas, para analisar diferentes modelos de disciplinas interdisciplinares STEM e explorar papéis produtivos para a matemática e implicações para o ensino e aprendizagem de matemática. CANCELADO - Número no início dos anos (Apresentadores: Greta Brewin, Alice Turner) Uma introdução ao desenvolvimento de um pensamento matemático flexível para os alunos nos primeiros anos, com foco na contagem e compreensão integral parcial. Esta sessão explora equívocos comuns e explica estratégias práticas de sala de aula para superar essas técnicas de uso projetadas para envolver estudantes de diferentes estilos de aprendizagem. As idéias apresentadas decorrem do trabalho do professor Dianne Siemon da Universidade RMIT. Palavras-chave: Número repetido como B1 e I1 Eliminando a Ansiedade de Matemática Através da Gamificação (Apresentador: Brent Hughes) Apresentação Comercial Brent Hughes - ex-professor de sala de aula, atual designer de jogos. Eu odiei que as crianças odiassem matemática. Eu amo matemática Agora eu trabalho para uma empresa comercial que está trazendo as crianças de volta à matemática. A diferença entre nós e o que o seu já visto já deve ser visto. As palavras donrsquot fazem a justiça da nossa empresa. Palavras-chave: GamesOnline Learning Not repeat Fazendo Maths300 trabalhar para você (Apresentador: Douglas Williams) Maths300 é uma plataforma de desenvolvimento profissional. Nós simplesmente queremos apoiar a discussão contínua sobre a educação matemática de melhores práticas. Maths300 lições são fornecidas como combustível para essas discussões. Você tem uma história sobre como essas lições contribuíram para mudanças em sua prática de ensino ou aprendizado aprimorado para seus alunos. Venha com um conto para contar, ou apenas para ouvir os outros. Mas também venha aprender sobre estruturas - menos e mais formais - que foram usadas por outros para tirar proveito deste propósito de aprendizagem profissional. Palavras-chave: AlgebraGeometryHands OnNumber Não repetidas Maths pensantes (Apresentador: Martin Richards) Precisa de idéias para ajudar a estruturar uma pesquisa de matemática Nesta sessão, a Wersquoll leva conceitos como números primos, chance, valor de lugar e mostra maneiras práticas de desenvolver um pensamento mais profundo em matemática Através de uma abordagem de inquérito. Nossos recursos on-line gratuitos. As matemáticas que compõem o pensamento usam uma mistura de recursos digitais e atividades de lsquohands-onrsquo. A Wersquoll também procura formas de integrar a matemática e as tecnologias digitais. Veja como a linguagem direcional é usada com robôs programáveis, explore contextos para coletar, interrogar e exibir dados digitalmente. O testador de matemática é uma maneira útil de combinar operações matemáticas e aprender sobre fluxogramas e tomada de decisão. Nós estaremos olhando para ensinar idéias disponíveis gratuitamente no The Digital Technologies Hub digitaltechnologieshub. edu. au. As matemáticas que compõem o pensamento são recursos gratuitos disponíveis através do scootle scootle. edu. auecphome. Palavras-chave: GamesNumberOnline LearningTechnology Não repetido CANCELADO - Pensamento multiplicativo: grupos de matrizes, regiões, modelos de área (apresentador:) Minha apresentação será baseada no conceito de pensamento multiplicativo extraído do currículo de matemática primária. Explorará os lsquogroups dos modelos idearsquo, array, região e área. Consistirá em uma explicação teórica que explicará os conceitos destacados e as atividades práticas que permitirão aos participantes demonstrar sua aprendizagem e esclarecer quaisquer equívocos que possam ter. Além disso, minha apresentação abordará os conceitos de pensamento aditivo e desencadeará paralelos com o pensamento multiplicativo para que os professores possam entender a inter-relação entre os dois. Os participantes também terão a oportunidade de questionar o apresentador sobre as diferentes estratégias utilizadas para ensinar o pensamento multiplicativo desde os primeiros anos até os primários superiores. Palavras-chave: Multiplicative ThinkingNumber Repetido como B5 e E7 quebrando Barreiras no Ensino e Aprendizado de Matemática (Apresentadores: Laura Barker, Chris Greene, Rebecca Backman) Esta apresentação incidirá no apoio a estudantes de baixa alfabetização no acesso à matemática em tarefas de resolução de problemas. Fornecerá uma estrutura prática que permita aos alunos trabalhar com o conteúdo de uma questão de resolução de problemas de forma sistemática. Analisará a gestão da restauração para diferentes habilidades em uma tarefa matemática. A apresentação também se concentrará na construção de capacidade de ensino através do desenvolvimento de um modelo de observação entre pares, que cultive uma cultura de aprendizagem colaborativa e compartilhamento de idéias. Palavras-chave: Modelos Inovadores As Necessidades de Aprendizagem Repetidas como B6 e H6 Alfabetização de Matemática (Apresentador: Kathryn Palmer) ldquo Para muitos alunos, a Matemática é uma língua estrangeira, aprendeu quase que inteiramente na escola e não é falada em casa. rdquo Esta sessão apoiará professores para: Identificar Dificuldades linguísticas potenciais que os alunos podem experimentar com tarefas matemáticas Desenvolver muros de numeração úteis interativos e seu propósito Importância de fazer conexões Aceder a recursos excelentes para continuações de vocabulário Palavras-chave: Modelos inovadoresLearning NeedsLiteracy Repetido como B7 e C9 Ensinar Matemática para Compreensão (Apresentador: Ian Lowe) Para ajudar os alunos Aprender matemática com entendimento em seu próprio nível requer uma diferenciação das atividades da sala de aula um pouco do tempo. Ian produziu um recurso diferenciado com milhares de links para ensino de classe, ensino em pequenos grupos, atividades práticas e TIC, todos ligados ao Curriculum de Victoria. Está disponível para os níveis F a 10, e gratuito para professores em todas as escolas que são membros MAV. Ele foi adaptado localmente e usado com sucesso por muitas escolas em todo o estado. Venha compartilhar ou aprender mais. Palavras-chave: Diferenciação Não repetida Matemática - Faça um novo olhar: Integração de matemática na sala de aula (Apresentadores: Lauren Anderson, Tom Beardsworth) Apresentação comercial Esta sessão fornecerá uma visão geral sobre como integrar com sucesso Mathletics na sala de aula. Olhando para a capacidade de diferenciar os alunos conforme necessário, bem como como definir tópicos e atividades curriculares para melhorar a compreensão dos alunos. Também analisaremos a avaliação e o relatório dentro da Mathletics. Como mudou e como utilizar esta seção para apoiar o seu ensino. Também examinaremos os ebooks e os recursos de solução de problemas, usando os vídeos e interativos para aprimorar suas lições explícitas. Palavras-chave: AvaliaçãoOnline Learning Repetido como B9 e G12 reSolve: Matemática por Inquérito (Apresentador: Steve Thornton) A Matemática por Inquérito é um projeto financiado pelo governo australiano projetado para promover abordagens de pesquisa de matemática da Fundação para o Ano 10. A abordagem adotada capacita os alunos a argumentar matemáticamente , Enfatizando os principais aspectos da formulação de problemas complexos e a comunicação e avaliação da solução. O projeto está produzindo materiais exemplares para estudantes e recursos de aprendizagem profissional para professores, informados pelas melhores práticas australianas e internacionais. Nesta sessão, apresentaremos o Protocolo de Inquérito de Matemática, um quadro utilizado para informar o desenvolvimento de todos os materiais no projeto e proporcionar aos professores um quadro teórico e prático robusto para o ensino de lições de matemática orientadas para o inquérito. Também demonstraremos alguns dos recursos preliminares desenvolvidos para estudantes e professores. Palavras-chave: Matemática por Inquérito Repetido como matemática familiar B10 e C10 (Apresentador: Helen Haralambous) Os participantes dessa sessão ganharão algumas dicas para hospedar uma noite de Matemática familiar em sua escola. Dicas exploratórias práticas, recursos e idéias testados e confiáveis ​​para a execução de um evento bem-sucedido serão explorados. Palavras-chave: Jogos Modelos inovadores Atividades de estudante Repetidas com a iluminação B11 e H9 O fusível: Escolha matemática com um ano de duração (Apresentador: Michael OConnor) Quais são os elementos que se combinam para produzir faísca suficiente em uma escola, sala de aula ou indivíduo para uma aprendizagem efetiva de matemática. Uma combinação de teoria, conselhos práticos e reflexão sobre a observação de escolas em todo o país sobre o que funciona Palavras-chave: Modelos inovadoresLeadership Repetido como B12 e I6 Obtendo Bang For Your Buck Conceitos didáticos Não Procedimentos (Apresentadores: Yvonne Reilly, Jodie Parsons) Esta sessão examinará A diferença entre ensinar conceitos e procedimentos matemáticos e como usamos esse conhecimento para maximizar o tempo que temos na sala de aula. A sessão também permitirá aos participantes a oportunidade de realizar algumas abordagens para fornecer entendimentos conceituais que sejam eficazes para gerar a aprendizagem dos alunos. Palavras-chave: Modelos inovadoresMaths por Inquérito Repetido como Avaliação Formativa B13 e H10 Através da Tecnologia (Apresentadores: Christopher Daxecker, John Eskander) Apresentação Comercial Você gostaria de um tiro rápido da sua habilidade de classes em um determinado assunto. Os dados às vezes são difíceis de analisar e fornecer pouco Produto para o tempo gasto Você vê-se como um professor do século 21 integrando tecnologia através de cada lição Se sua resposta foi lsquoyesrsquo, do que nós temos a PD para você. A idéia de avaliação formativa não basta simplesmente em testes pré e pós, mas se integra em todos os aspectos da instrução. Como você sabe, existem diferentes formas e níveis na avaliação da capacidade dos alunos e como isso ocorre em sua sala de aula diferirá significativamente. Este PL oferece-lhe algumas estratégias e programas excelentes para permitir feedback oportuno e proposital, trabalhando através da tecnologia para estimular e envolver os jovens em sua sala de aula. Palavras-chave: AssessmentTechnology Repetido como B14 e G18 Numeracy: Going Beyond Fluency (Apresentador: Karen McDaid) Pode ser difícil apoiar a aprendizagem e a realização dos alunos no NAPLAN sem sentir que está ensinando o teste. Esta oficina prática proporcionará idéias prontas para a sala de aula onde todas as atividades estão ligadas às demandas de numeração do NAPLAN. Todas as atividades vão além da fluência, o foco na resolução de problemas tem as habilidades embutidas dentro delas. Palavras-chave: Avaliação de Problemas de Avaliação Repetidos como B15 e E17 Ensinando e Aprendendo Fatos de Multiplicação de forma significativa (Apresentadores: Justine Shelley, Natalie Bierman) Apresentação Comercial Somos professores da escola primária, com paixão por trazer lsquotimes tablesrsquo para maior foco, de forma mais significativa caminho. Através de nossas experiências, descobrimos a necessidade de um programa de multiplicação que fosse mais do que lsquodrill e praticantes e memorização. Nós decidimos reunir nossas idéias, em um recurso on-line que promove a compreensão conceitual, as estratégias mentais, a prática e, finalmente, a rápida lembrança dos 121 fatos de multiplicação. Através desta abordagem, os entendimentos fluem para outras áreas-chave, como divisão, pensamento multiplicativo e frações. O recurso wersquove criado é chamado Mfacts121. Palavras-chave: Número repetido como B16 e I11, Capitão Zero. Hero Or Villain (Apresentadores: Derek Hurrell, Chris Hurst) Nossa pesquisa atual sobre o pensamento multiplicativo childrenrsquos mostrou que as crianças têm a capacidade de pensar de forma multiplicativa e que alguns aspectos do pensamento multiplicativo são mais bem compreendidos do que outros. Observamos um conjunto de dados obtidos em três aulas no mesmo ano e exploramos a considerável variação nas respostas a várias questões-chave em um questionário e entrevista de reflexão multiplicativa. As perguntas relacionam-se com a noção de maior número de vezes na comparação de números, a capacidade de usar partição padrão do valor do lugar ao operar, a capacidade de articular o que acontece quando os números são multiplicados e divididos por poderes de dez e o papel de zero. Palavras-chave: Multiplicative ThinkingNumber Repetido como B17 e D12 The Worlds Most Advanced Textbook Free Em 2017 (Apresentadores: Megan Blanch, Ash Breen) Apresentação Comercial O Mathspace E-Book é um livro de matemática digital feito na Austrália com mais de um milhão de usuários em todo o mundo. Abrange o currículo de matemática vitoriana, australiana e IB em grande profundidade do ano 3 até o ano 12 Métodos com recursos ricos, incluindo milhares de vídeos de exemplo trabalhados, applets interativos e marcação passo a passo. Graças a um patrocinador generoso, todos os participantes nesta sessão receberão acesso gratuito para todos os alunos em sua escola em 2017. Você deve se inscrever para esta sessão para receber acesso gratuito para sua escola. Palavras-chave: Tecnologia de aprendizagem on-line Não repetida Introdução à impressão em 3D (Apresentador: Nat Bradshaw) A impressão em 3D é uma tecnologia emergente que recentemente se tornou acessível e sustentável para uso nas escolas. Este workshop irá apresentar os participantes ao Tinkercad, uma plataforma on-line para o desenvolvimento de modelos 3D que podem ser impressos. O workshop também irá discutir diferentes atividades que podem ser relacionadas à sala de aula de matemática. Palavras-chave: Tecnologia Repetida como B19 e H19 Diferenciação Sem Tecnologia: Usando Problemas de Enriquecimento para Estágios 3 e 4 (Apresentadores: Anne Prescott, Pauline Kohlhoff) Neste workshop interativo prático, exploraremos como os problemas bem construídos podem ser usados ​​para ensinar estudantes Que estão em diferentes estágios do desenvolvimento matemático. Usando uma variedade de métodos de solução e atividades de sala de aula relacionadas, com base em perguntas das Olimpíadas de Maths Games e Maths de APSMO, investigaremos o aprimoramento da diferenciação no ensino de matemática. A APSMO Inc. é uma organização sem fins lucrativos. Palavras-chave: DifferentiationHands On Repeated as B20 e C23 Alguns problemas favoritos - Faça, compartilhe e ensine com eles (Apresentadores: Giovanna Vardaro, Bruce Henry) Uma série de problemas favoritos serão apresentados. Os participantes podem experimentá-los, discutir soluções e aprender a usá-las na sala de aula. Sinta-se livre para trazer um problema próprio para compartilhar. Palavras-chave: Matemática por Inquérito Repetido como B21 e J19 Algoritmico Pensamento, fluxogramas e codificação em anos de transição (Apresentador: Martin Buchholtz) Esta sessão destina-se aos professores do ensino superior primário para o segundo ano do ensino secundário inferior que não tiveram exposição prévia à codificação. Os participantes serão executados através de uma seleção de exemplos e atividades que abordam os pontos de progressão VCMNA194, 221, 251, 254 e 282. Os participantes serão incentivados a codificar seus próprios programas simples durante a sessão usando interfaces web livremente disponíveis. Diferentes opções de representação de algoritmos serão discutidas em relação à adequação para opções de níveis de ano dados incluem codificação redada, fluxogramas, pseudocódigo e codificação específica do idioma, ou seja, Python. Os participantes receberão uma cópia eletrônica dos programas de exemplo usados. Palavras-chave: Codificação Repetida como B22 e H21 Whadda Nós Hafta Fazemos Isto Para (Apresentador: Peter Sanders) Whadda nós devemos fazer isso por um lamento comum entre os estudantes do meio ano sobre a álgebra. Leap Frog, é uma atividade cooperativa de resolução de problemas em várias camadas que chega ao coração do pensamento algébrico. Em um nível, um problema divertido e envolvente, envolvendo a exploração do padrão ndash realizado com êxito pelo apresentador com crianças tão jovens quanto 89 - à medida que o problema se desenvolve, surgem conceitos matemáticos mais profundos que levam a uma justificativa para generalizações algébricas ndash ideal para convencer o secundário inferior Estudantes que a álgebra é realmente digna de fazer Aviso ndash você estará profundamente envolvido nesta sessão, resolvendo Leap Frog Palavras-chave: AlgebraHands em repetidos como B23 e G25 Uma jornada de professores através de pensamento multiplicativo com alunos do ensino secundário precoce (Apresentadores: Lorraine Day, Jim ONeill) As Parte do projeto nacional Reframing Mathematical Futures, quatro escolas secundárias da WA iniciaram uma jornada para ajudar os alunos a se tornarem melhores pensadores multiplicativos, de modo que muitas áreas da matemática secundária se tornariam mais acessíveis a elas. Isso envolveu ensino direcionado nas classes normais de matemática. Ouça sobre a jornada de um desses professores e tente algumas das tarefas que foram efetivamente utilizadas no projeto. Palavras-chave: Modelos inovadores Pensamento múltiplo não repetido Testes inteligentes, Ensino Inteligente, Estudantes mais inteligentes (Apresentadores: Sara McKee, Max Stephens) A Faculdade Springside P-9 vem usando as avaliações SMART (Avaliações Matemáticas Específicas que Revelam Pensamento) desde 2014 nos Anos 5-9. Testes SMART são avaliações de diagnóstico on-line desenvolvidas pela Universidade de Melbourne para ajudar os professores a identificar a compreensão dos alunos e revelar os equívocos dos alunos. Durante o ano passado, 10 professores usaram regularmente os testes SMART para complementar suas avaliações na classe. Mais importante ainda, os testes SMART permitiram que nossos professores fiquem mais confiantes sobre o planejamento e o ensino de conteúdos matemáticos adequados ao nível de seu ano, para identificar os equívocos dos alunos e como mover os alunos para a frente em configurações de classe regular. Palavras-chave: Avaliação repetida como B25 e G27, não bastante The Illuminati (Apresentadores: Andrew Wrigley, Wally Brodar) Uma discussão prática e interativa de nossa experiência na criação e execução de uma Sociedade Matemática Escola sustentável. O que funcionou, o que didnrsquot e o que está por vir. Todos os participantes receberão um presente GRÁTIS Palavras-chave: Modelos inovadoresLeadership Repetido como B26 e H25 Matemática não-intuitiva (Apresentadores: Ken Ellis, Rick Swan) Apresentaremos um workshop envolvendo atividades práticas que podem ser usadas com estudantes do ano 5 para adulto . Os resultados são inesperados e as atividades podem ser facilmente estendidas. Palavras-chave: Hands OnTechnology Repetido como B27 e D26 Número E Álgebra - Uma Ponte Da Escola Primária ao Ensino Secundário (Apresentador: Ian Bull) Vou fornecer os detalhes e o conteúdo de um programa curto onde estudantes de 6º ano no St Kevinrsquos College são tomados em uma Caminho que liga a estrutura do sistema do número decimal, através da notação científica no mundo algébrico dos índices. Sim, estudantes da 6ª série são capazes de trabalhar em um nível bastante sofisticado com a álgebra quando eles podem entender o modo como é expressado. Este programa introduziu meus alunos para os conceitos de número e álgebra necessários nos anos 7 a 10, apoiados com uma série de lições cuidadosamente construídas em uma seqüência lógica. Todos os participantes receberão um conjunto completo de recursos para julgamento em sua própria escola. Palavras-chave: AlgebraNumber Repetido como B28 e C28 Made By Maths Em La Trobe (Apresentador: Katherine Seaton) Uma das caminhadas gratuitas no aplicativo Made by Maths do MAV é um passeio pela Universidade La Trobe. Junte-se ao autor da caminhada para apreciar o aplicativo e aproveite algumas matemáticas, arquitetura e escultura. Palavras-chave: Atividades do aluno Repetidas como pensamento algorítmico B29 e G32 em Matemática do meio ano (Apresentador: Greg Breese) O Curriculum vitoriano incluiu Elementos de pensamento algorítmico em matemática e tecnologias digitais. Esta sessão explorará oportunidades para integrar o pensamento algorítmico no currículo de matemática dos anos intermediários existentes. Esta será uma sessão prática para os professores praticar a expressão de algoritmos, ações de seqüenciamento e uso de ramificação e iteração em algoritmos. Não haverá componente de programação para esta sessão. Keywords: AlgebraHands On Not Repeated 21st Century Problem Solvers (Presenter: Rhiannon Lowrey) What does a problem solver look like in a 21st century classroom Find out some strategies, new and tried and true to help look at what is a problem solver and what are educators doing to support thinkers. Keywords: Maths by InquiryProblem Solving Repeated as B31 and G34 Are You Struggling To Engage Middle School Students In The Maths Classroom (Presenters: Adam Kruger, Scott Rumble) Students learn best when they are motivated to learn by seeing the value and importance of the information presented. This presentation will exhibit our ASAP, a student approach to learning. It is a 7-10 Secondary Mathematics program, which we developed at our college and are now working with a number of schools to implement this exciting approach to learning mathematics. Throughout the session we will demonstrate how we motivate students to learn, creating an interactive atmosphere to allow for student voice, build connections through directed assessments, provide opportunities to apply knowledge to real world situations, challenge and engage students through effective feedback strategies and work through using data as a tool to improve key numeracy skills of our students. By the end of the session, each attendee will walk away with engaging activities, strategies that they can use immediately in their classroom. Keywords: Innovative Models Repeated as B32 and H27 Pythagoras (Presenter: Anthony Harradine) The theorem of Pythagoras is one of the staples. This workshop will engage you in a way of introducing it and extending it that you will most likely not have seen before. Students are presented with a very simple set of manipulatives (paper) and a simple task allows them to reveal so very nice results. Tried and proven, low entry point, as high an exit point as you desire. Keywords: GeometryMeasurement Repeated as B33 and G35 How Far Can A Differentiated Learning Program Go (Presenters: Deborah Murrell, Alex Rathbone) The idea of offering a differentiated learning program sounds commendable, but is it actually possible In 2014 Lavalla Catholic College introduced the Maths Pathway learning model which allowed teachers to know the talents, skills, deficiencies and weaknesses in Mathematics of their students. However, the change to teaching practice required for teachers to deliver a totally differentiated Mathematics program was initially underestimated. Jenny Sutton and Deborah Murrell will discuss their experience of the change required of teachers and schools to implement a differentiated program such as Maths Pathway and share a vision of a community of Maths Pathway teachers who collaborate in creating differentiated rich lessons. Keywords: Differentiation Repeated as B34 and G37 How Teachers Use Education Perfect Maths To Save Themselves Time And Hassle (Presenter: Clare Feeney) Commercial Presentation In this session, wersquoll go through specific strategies Maths teachers use to save time and hassle in the classroom, using Education Perfect. Wersquoll look at how teachers can use the program to monitor student progress, provide quality feedback and support struggling students. Keywords: Assessment Repeated as B35 and I27 Coding In The Mathematics Classroom (Presenter: Shelley Cross) Coding, Maths and the TI-Nspire CAS APP Did you know you can write code on graphics calculators This hands-on workshop will examine the ldquo10 minutes of coderdquo principle. We will use the TI-Nspire CAS APP on the iPad to code some very basic programs in mathematics. You will be able to take away ideas ready to implement and use in your classroom with students from Years 7 to 10 no previous coding experience of any kind is required. Please bring your iPad with the TI-Nspire CAS APP installed. We will have a small number of iPads with the TI-Nspire CAS APP installed which can be borrowed if you do not have your own.. Keywords: Coding Repeated as B36 and H28 Mathematical Modelling in STEM (Presenter: Stephen Broderick) STEM education refers to solving problems that draw on concepts and procedures from mathematics and science while incorporating the teamwork and design methodology of engineering and using appropriate technology. (NCTM 2013) Mathematical modelling provides a framework within most STEM activities whereby students can work together solving a common real-world problem. Students can unpack the problem, hypothesize, collect data, develop and test a modelling solution. In this session, mathematical modelling will be used to verify why the speed limit in a school zone is 40 kmhour. Environmental concerns such as the amount of plastic waste in the ocean and the successful conservation of tigers will also be investigated. Anemometers, cyclones, super storms and wind power will also be modelled. Sources of data include newspaper articles, the internet and the virtual world of the Islands. Keywords: Maths by InquirySTEM Not Repeated Mathematical Tasks To Expose Student Thinking (Presenter: Vanessa Rule-Paddle) Commercial Presentation Mathematical tasks which offer entry points to students of varying ability are tasks which allow teachers to differentiate in the one class. These kinds of tasks also allow for rich learning opportunities for students and teachers. Students are able to explore a scenario or mathematical concept using multiple methods while justifying their answers and reflecting on their learning, while teachers are able to gain insight into their studentsrsquo thinking. In this session you will have the opportunity to explore some of these tasks which allow these benefits and take them away to use with your students. Keywords: Maths by Inquiry Not Repeated The Joy Of Gambling (Presenter: Marty Ross) We have all heard the plaintive classroom cry: ldquowhen are we ever going to use thisrdquo Well, at least in the case of probability there is an easy answer: we can use probability for the reason it was first discovered and investigated, in order to gamble. In this talk wersquoll introduce and discuss three fundamental theorems of gambling. Wersquoll consider these theorems in relation to casinos and sports gambling, and the methods by which people are regularly fleeced. Not only is this study educational and mathematically rich, it can, perhaps surprisingly, be lucrative. There is the added benefit that we can really irritate Nick Xenophon and other sanctimonious clowns. Keywords: Probability ampamp Statistics, Sitrring the Possum Not Repeated Reasoning - How To Teach It Reasonably Well (Presenter: Paul Brown) You will emerge from this session with some good resources for teaching mathematical reasoning, and perhaps with a clearer idea of what the curriculum intends by the word reasoning. Reasoning appears in the proficiency strand, but many teaching resources do not give it adequate attention and teachers may find it hard to assess. Paul has a considerable background as a secondary mathematics teacher, academic and author. Keywords: Maths by Inquiry Repeated as B40 and H35 STEM With Graphing Calculators (Presenters: Pumadevi Sivasubramaniam, Nur Syamsila Mohd Haris, Syed Azman Syed Ismail) This a fun filled workshop using a graphing calculator, the TI-Nspire to explore decay of carbon-14 (C-14). It is so simple one will marvel at the simplicity of the procedure. The process involves application of basic probability and the initial activity will equip you to become a fossil scientist. You will be able to determine in a few simple steps when the organism given to you existed. The workshop will then develop you into a very able captain of the 2016 Titanic equipped with sonar devices (TI-Nspire and the Computer Based Ranger), and as the very able captain you may be able to take the Titanic to its destination by avoiding the fatal coral reef. There will be several more activities and demonstrations to highlight the application of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) that a teacher can try out in his or her classroom that would provide students the lens to look at science and mathematics as relevant and important to the real world. Keywords: STEM Repeated as B41 and E42 Collaborative Tasks For Learning And Assessing Mathematics (Presenters: Sabine Partington, Wendy Taylor, Brent Jewell) Collaborative tasks and assessments have many benefits for student learning and play a key role in a balanced maths program, however they can also bring up some new challenges in the classroom. In this session we will unpack the benefits and also discuss how to address potential challenges. Sample tasks and projects from Years 7 to 12 will be ran with the group and a bank of resources will be shared. Keywords: Assessment Repeated as B42 and I35 CANCELLED - Using Formative Assessment To Strengthen Student Understanding In Mathematics (Presenter: Tobias Cooper) In this workshop participants will learn how TI-Nspire software can be used to formatively assess student understanding in real time during a lesson. By identifying common misconceptions quickly, teachers can remedy faulty mathematical thinking as it occurs. A variety of topics from the Australian curriculum will be explored. Keywords: AssessmentTechnology Not Repeated Putting Mathematics Back Into STEM (Presenter: Rodney Anderson) ldquoAn education in STEM also fosters a range of generic and quantitative skills and ways of thinking that enable individuals to see and grasp opportunities. These capabilities - including deep knowledge of a subject, creativity, problem solving, critical thinking and communication skills - are relevant to an increasingly wide range of occupations. They will be part of the foundation of adaptive and nimble workplaces of the futurerdquo (Office of the Chief Scientist, Australia, 2014). In this workshop various STEM activities will be demonstrated and the collected data will be mathematically analysed using technology. In the time we have in the workshop various sensors will be utilised and they include the microphone, light probe, motion detector, laser and force sensor. Keywords: STEM Repeated as B44 and C36 Mathematica - An Introduction To The Basics (Presenters: David Leigh-Lancaster, Linda Tilson) This workshop provides an introduction for those with little or no previous familiarity with Mathematica. It will cover basics for numerical, graphical and symbolic computation. Participants will work through a collection of examples and activities related to the Year 7-12 mathematics curriculum. Practical aspects of classroom implementation and some related resources will also be discussed and shared. Keywords: TechnologyVCAL Repeated as B45 and H36 Wi Phi Sangaku (Presenter: Ray Cross) Awaken your students to the beauty of ancient and sacred Japanese wasan or mathematics and its tablets or Sangaku many of which, surprisingly, relate to the golden ratio. Discover the impressive geometry of 17th Century Japan. This hands-on workshop investigates the structure and logic behind several Sangaku, valuable as further geometric incarnations of phi. Examples are most suitable as resource material for extension, project or assignments Years 8-11. Investigations may be done by hand. Technology based illustrations will use TI-Nspire calculators which will be provided. Yoursquore welcome to bring you own or a laptop. Keywords: GeometryHands OnTechnology Not Repeated Teaching Mathematics In The Light Of STEM (Presenter: Karim Noura) In this presentation, teachers will share experiences of linking what to teach in the classroom to real life situations. We will address problem solving situations using various ideas and strategies on the light of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Keywords: Problem SolvingSTEMVCAL Repeated as B47 and I37 Numeracy For Life: Improving Numeracy Learning Outcomes (Presenter: Cherie Pickering) Students in South Australia are required to achieve a C grade or better in one semester of Stage 1 Maths in Year 11. This is one of the compulsory components of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). Failure to achieve a C grade or better means no SACE. Wind the clock back in time and consider: how many of our young people have failed Maths in the years preceding Year 11 and SACE hellip Years 8, 9 and 10 What can be done to change this growing phenomenon At Unley High School, wersquove implemented personalised numeracy programs at Years 9 and 10, creating a pathway for those students most at risk of not achieving their SACE in Senior School. This presentation will provide delegates with a snapshot of our program, including how we identify students at risk, our program content and how it is designed to enable students to develop the skills they need to pass the compulsory SACE Maths component hellip but more importantly to be able to work and function successfully in life beyond school. Keywords: Innovative Models Repeated as B48 and I39 Exploring Functions With Desmos (Presenter: William Seager) The study of functions occupies a central position in the 9-12 Australian Curriculum. Desmos is an extremely powerful, free graphing calculator program available on a range of platforms and devices (computer, tablet, smartphone). It can be used in the classroom to explore functions in a wide variety of engaging and interactive ways. In this session, we will use Desmos to study functions across the 9-12 spectrum: in the discovery of Linear Relationships in Year 9, through an introduction to Linear Programming in Year 10, and in the discovery of differentiation, tangents and normals at pre-tertiary level. Keywords: Technology Repeated as B49 and H40 Picturing Relationships In Calculus (Presenter: Alastair Lupton) In Mathematical Methods, students should be ldquodeducing the graph of the derivative function from the graph of a given function and deducing the graph of an anti-derivative function from the graph of a given functionrdquo. More than just an assessable skill, a mental picture of this powerful relationship also underpins an understanding much of the work done in Calculus. This workshop will look at ways that this mental picture can be helped to develop in students, supported a little technology and some well posed questions. Keywords: AlgebraTechnology Repeated as B50 and G48 Assessment: Investigative Tasks And Sample Examinations For The ACARA Senior School Mathematics Courses (Presenter: Romolo Cirillo) Commercial Presentation Sample investigative tasks suitable for school based assessment in General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics, will be provided to participants as indicative of what is available for purchase from the MAWA website. These are online resources suitable for the respective Year 11 and 12 courses, available in editable digital form upon purchase of a school site licence. Sample examinations for the respective Year 11 and 12 mathematics courses, with full marking keys specifying the mathematical behaviours (and relevant ACARA dot points) associated with the marks awarded will also be shared. These are also available in editable digital form upon purchase on a school site licence. Both resources include examples of appropriate use of CAS calculators and associated screen shots. While the session may be considered lsquocommercialrsquo as it will be showcasing materials available for purchase, the focus of the session will be on designing quality assessment tasks for the respective courses. Keywords: Assessment Repeated as B51 and J44 2015 Math Methods CAS Examinations (Presenters: Allason McNamara, Mary Papp) Mary and Allason will do a similar session to the 2015 MAV Meet the Examiners Lecture for Mathematical Methods CAS as well as discuss common errors from previous years. Keywords: Assessment Not Repeated Having Fun And Learning Through Games (Presenters: Peggy Ashton, Jennifer Vincent) Invite students to share the joy of exploring mathematics. Banish the moans when maths is mentioned. Participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a wide selection of games discuss possible ways of adapting games to suit the needs of different groups of students analyse games for the potential to foster mathematical understandings. A CD of all materials will be provided. Keywords: GamesHands On Not Repeated Algorithmic Thinking in the Maths Classroom (Presenter: Mike Clapper) The Australian Curriculum has now embraced Algorithmic Thinking as a part of the Digital Technologies strand. In Victoria this has also been included in Mathematics. This session explains how maths teachers can incorporate the teaching of Algorithmic Thinking into their teaching, as a highly-motivating way of getting students to engage with key mathematical ideas. It will explain the principles of algorithmic development and identify the most appropriate resources for maths teachers to engage with algorithmic thinking and coding in the maths classroom. Keywords: AlgorithmicsCoding Not Repeated Having Some Fun With Numeracy And Maths (Presenter: Dave Tout) Commercial Presentation This hands-on workshop will enable participants to experience different games and activities suitable for classroom use with a range of numeracy and maths students. The activities focus on the development of core maths skills through the use of games, hands-on materials, utilising approaches such as whole group, small co-group work and individual activities, as well as on enjoyment and having fun with maths. The activities have mainly been developed for youth and adult students but are suitable for all students, especially middle years and VCAL. Some of the activities are available free, others are available in resources sold by the MAV. Keywords: GamesHands OnVCAL Not Repeated Wolfram Technologies In Education And Research - Hands-on Workshop (Presenter: Craig Bauling) Commercial Presentation For over 25 years, Wolfram Research has been serving Educators and Researchers. Recently we have introduced many award winning technology innovations like WolframAlpha Pro, Wolfram SystemModeler, Wolfram Programming Lab, and Natural Language computation. Topics of this hands-on workshop include: Natural Language Input (wolframbroadcastscreencastsfree-form-input) Market Leading Statistical Analysis Functionality 2D and 3D information visualization Creating interactive models that encourage student participation and learning Practical applications in Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Finance, Biology, Economics and Mathematics On-demand Chemical, Biological, Economic, Finance and Social data - wolframalpha Mathematica for student coding - wolframprogramminglab wolframalpha Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Rich Learning Lab - Create And Share Resources To Make Rich Learning More Impactful And Easy (Presenters: Michaela Epstein, Mabel Chen) Commercial Presentation Rich Learning Tasks are pivotal to deepening studentsrsquo understanding and appreciation of maths, and allow for mathematical discourse amongst students. In this workshop, teachers work in groups to build capacity in design thinking and pedagogy for rich learning, as well as create and access a range of new rich learning tasks to use in maths. Keywords: Maths by InquiryProblem Solving Not Repeated TI STEM Playroom - Hands-on STEM Solutions For Your Classroom (Presenter: Stephen Arnold) Commercial Presentation Want to create an affordable STEM-active classroom Get your students started with coding Explore and design solutions to practical problems Make sense of the world through live real world data Texas Instruments offers a range of affordable classroom-ready tools and resources designed to help students from the middle years to seniors get started with STEM, and then apply what they have learned. Try some 10 minutes of code activities. Design your own greenhouse, and within minutes monitor it from the Cloud. Build your own BLE ultrasonic motion detector, or use an accelerometer to land the lunar module. Access free online classroom resources for STEM. Come along and get a taste of what this could mean for your students Keywords: CodingSTEMTechnology Not Repeated Effective Use Of TI-Nspire CAS Technology For VCE Mathematical Methods SACs (Presenter: Sanjeev Meston) The session will focus on Analysis and Application on Concepts learned in this course as preparation for the VCE SACrsquos at Units 3 and 4 level. The session will also incorporate the new concepts that have been included in the study design.. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Mathematical Methods Enriched With Dynamic TI-Nspire Activities (Presenter: Frank Moya) This will be a hands-on workshop in which participants create dynamic, interactive TI-Nspire documents related to various VCE Maths Methods topics. These topics will include bisection and Newtonrsquos methods, calculus and the distribution of sample proportions and confidence intervals. In addition to setting up statistical inference simulations for sample proportions, other TI-Nspire functionalities to be used will include dynamic computation in the Notes application, dynamic geometry, data capture, dynamic graphing using sliders and the use of the transformations menu. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated MAV - Maths Talent Quest (MTQ) (Presenters: June Penney, Frances Sidari) The Maths Talent Quest (MTQ) continues to be an important component of the MAVrsquos Student Activities program. Running for over 30 years, it involves students engaging in personally chosen lsquoreal lifersquo math investigations. The categories include all Primary and Secondary year levels and investigations may be performed by individuals, groups or classes. Certificates and prizes are awarded at a presentation ceremony and some investigations are selected to represent Victoria in the Asia Pacific MTQ. Interested in in the MTQ and how to incorporate it into your schoolclass program Do you have a personal interest or have questions about running it at your school Join us to discuss ideas, criteria and process and to view past investigation examples. Keywords: Student Activities Repeated as C1 and J2 Whats The Story. (Presenter: Ellen Corovic) Participants in this professional leaning session will explore a range stories to engage learners. A fabulous collection of picture story books with ideas of how to develop mathematically rich and differentiated lessons will be the focus. In addition the power of developing lsquostory shellsrsquo as an additional tool to hook students in will be examined. This will be a hands-on and engaging session. Keywords: Literacy Repeated as C2 and G1 Developing Powerful Multiplicative Strategies (Presenters: Nadine Meredith, Tammy Roosen, Patrice Brady, Geraldine Caleta) Developing conceptual understanding of multiplication and division is complex. How do we move students from the known to the unknown in multiplication and division without rote drill and practice In this session we will explore this question in practical ways as we explore a model for working with teachers in developing multiplication and division. We will look at the multiplicative structures of arrays, times-as-many and allocation and rate to improve studentsrsquo ability to think multiplicatively and develop proportional reasoning. This work was conducted in partnership with Dr Ann Downton and the Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Parramatta NSW. Keywords: Multiplicative Thinking, Number Repeated as C3 and G2 21st Century Differentiated Instruction - Empowering Teachers In New Ways (Presenter: Alexander Young) Commercial Presentation This is a lsquoworld firstrsquo means by which teachers monitor the quality of their teaching in assessment for learning. It is achieved by using their schoolrsquos photocopier, as a high speed scanner, which provides forensic feedback on each studentrsquos learning needs. The concept of a lsquodigital rubricrsquo for assessing both written and practical work, which enhances the clarity of teaching intent, as well as improving the transparency of feedback to students, will be introduced. This binary approach to teaching and learning lifts the outcomes of all students as it improves the quality of communication between the teacher and student. Keywords: Assessment Repeated as C4 and G3 Self-selected Mathematics Learning (Presenter: Douglas Williams) When you learn to read, people read to or with you. Itrsquos critical but itrsquos not enough. You must also have the opportunity to choose your own texts and read for yourself. Thatrsquos why we have libraries. When you learn to work like a mathematician, people need to show you or work with you. Itrsquos critical but itrsquos not enough. You must also have the opportunity to choose your own problems and do mathematics for yourself. Thatrsquos why we have libraries of Mathematics Tasks, Picture Puzzles, Pub Menus and Menu Maths Packs. Explore these invitations to work like a mathematician and assess their value. Keywords: Maths by InquiryProblem Solving Repeated as C5 and E3 Mathematical Reasoning: A Top Drawer Teacher Resource (Presenter: Libbie Spohn) Have you heard of Top Drawer Teachers Are you a lead teacher in Numeracy or Mathematics TEMPEST is a national project led by the University of Tasmania (with the Australian Mathematics and Science Partnership Program) focusing on the professional learning (PL) available to mathematics teachers. One of the aims of the project is to contribute to the creation of an online portal ndash Dimensions which will house quality PL. In this workshop we will explore the AAMT resource supporting the Australian Curriculum-Mathematics: Top Drawer Teachers for Reasoning F to 10. Reasoning is one of the four proficiencies in the national curriculum, which describes it as a capacity for logical thought and actions. We will unpack the TDT resource and navigate this website to show examples of key ideas related to reasoning. These are organised as Big Ideas, good teaching and assessment with activities on how to encourage reasoning with your students. We will discuss how to integrate these ideas into your mathematics teaching across most strands of the curriculum and investigate how this resource could be utilised by lead teachers supporting their colleagues. Keywords: Innovative Models Repeated as C6 and G10 Using Challenging Mathematics Tasks And Pedagogies To Improve Achievement Of All Students (Presenter: Peter Sullivan) This session will illustrate how using challenging tasks with appropriate pedagogies creates interesting and engaging learning environments. In particular, the ways that such approaches enhance achievement for all students will be illustrated. Keywords: Maths by Inquiry Not Repeated Lesson Study: An Inspiring And Meaningful Way To Learn From Each Other (Presenters: Susie Groves, Felicity Ames) Lesson Study is an inspiring and meaningful way to learn from each other. Used within Japanese schools for over 120 years, Lesson Study is an extremely successful approach to professional development ndash in particular the development of effective teaching practices. This approach to professional development involves teachers learning from each other, as well as from their students and other knowledgeable educators. Lesson Study within the mathematics classroom largely focuses on teaching mathematics through problem solving. This presentation will showcase crucial elements of Lesson Study and discuss its introduction and successful implementation in one Victorian primary school over the past three years. Keywords: Innovative Models Not Repeated Effective Use Of ICT And Digital Technologies In The Mathematics Classroom (Presenters: Chantelle Polkinghorne, Ben Allen, Caitlin Chandler) Using ICT and digital technologies effectively in the classroom provides opportunities to enrich childrenrsquos mathematical understandings. In this workshop, teachers from Ringwood North Primary School will share how user-friendly and easily accessible digital resources can be employed to support, enhance, and personalise student learning in maths from F-6 and beyond. This session promises to be engaging and you will leave with creative ideas that can be easily implemented into any classroom Keywords: Technology Repeated as C11 and E12 From Counting Charts To Informal Strategies (Presenter: Ian Howard) In this hands-on workshop you will learn how to use counting charts to reinforce essential place value ideas, as well as some simple investigations. The big ideas of partitioning and renaming will also be developed. These ideas then lead to learning basic mental computational strategies. We will also cover ways of practising and extending these mental strategies. You will also learn how to move on from the counting chart to using the empty number line as a tool for creating informal written strategies. The importance of modelling and discussion will be a feature of this workshop. Keywords: Hands OnNumber Repeated as C12 and I7 The Biggest Impediment To Student Growth. And How You Can Challenge It (Presenters: Richard Wilson, Justin Matthys) ldquoSarah just doesnrsquot get mathsrdquo. ldquoJayden will be lucky if he passes the next testrdquo. ldquoIrsquove got a really low class this year and therersquos no point trying to push themrdquo. Whatrsquos wrong with these statements How do they impact student learning And how can you work with staff to powerfully reflect on their practice and create real improvements in maths as a result In this session, we will be bringing theory and practice together so that you can walk away with concrete ideas for challenging impediments to student growth and making impactful change in your team. The session is aimed at coaches, leading teachers and others who support the ongoing professional development of their staff. Keywords: Leadership Repeated as C13 and J11 Developing A Place Value App: A Teachers Journey to Create Zero Our Hero (Presenter: Angela Rogers) This session will describe the steps taken by a teacher wanting to develop a quality Place Value App for Year 2-6 students. The presentation will describe the sometimes frustrating search for an App developer willing to take on such a lsquosmall scalersquo project. Practical tips and advice will be provided to assist teachers and educators who may be considering developing an App for their own students. The inspiration for the project and decisions relating to the technical and mathematical design of the App will also be discussed. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Building On Student Strategy Knowledge Towards Efficient Recording For The Four Operations (Presenters: Michael Bairstow, Danielle Carter) As we move into the middle and senior years of primary school one of the challenges for teachers is trying to build on the informal mental strategies developed in junior grades to more efficient recorded strategies. Too often this comes at the expense of student understanding. The approach teachers will be shown in this session provides a great starting point for work on any of the four operations. It allows students to build on their prior knowledge, make connections between strategies and start moving to efficient recording while still focusing on understanding. Keywords: Innovative Models Not Repeated Making The Impossible Possible (Presenter: Pamela Hammond) How can we provide rich learning experiences for all the students in our classrooms How can we plan so that the needs of all students are being considered Sound impossible This session will explore ways to make this possible Participants will have the opportunity to try a range of open learning experiences, as well as create open activities that are suited to their own students. Examples will be taken from both Measurement and Number. Keywords: MeasurementNumber Repeated as C16 and D11 Targeted Tasks For Taming Multiplicative Thinking (Presenters: Chris Hurst, Derek Hurrell) Identifying the level of childrenrsquos multiplicative thinking is a relatively straight forward task using a diagnostic interview andor a written multiplicative thinking quiz. Our research has indicated the existence of some clear patterns in what children know and donrsquot know, their misconceptions, and their inability to articulate their multiplicative thinking. In this session, we present a range of tasks that we have found to be effective in developing aspects of multiplicative thinking, including the relationship between multiplication and division, the lsquotimes biggerrsquo notion, development and application of the array, and the use of materials to develop connections between place value, multiplicative thinking, and operating with numbers. Keywords: Multiplicative ThinkingNumber Not Repeated The Lost Logic Of Elementary Mathematics And The Haberdasher Who Kidnapped Kaizen (Presenter: Jonathan Crabtree) The mathematician, Reneacute Thom, wrote: ldquoThere is no case in the history of mathematics where the mistake of one man has thrown the entire field on the wrong track. rdquo Thom was wrong. He hadnrsquot heard about Henry. Strangely, the maths lessons children need have been missing for centuries. If an ancient Chinese, or Indian mathematician, were alive today, she would say we donrsquot understand mathematics. The reason is simple. Our lessons are derived from Greek mathematics, which had neither zero, nor negative numbers. So discover how simple mathematics could have been if it hadnrsquot been for Henry the haberdasher Keywords: Number Repeated as C18 and G20 Are There Any Winners In High-stakes Testing An Investigation Into The Impact Of Naplan Into The Teaching And Learning Of Mathematics (Presenters: Gregory Hine, Linda Cranley) The testing of mathematical standards across Australia, through the annual implementation of National Assessment Program ndash Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), invokes many questions about the potential that high-stakes testing has for academic reform in mathematics. This presentation will report on the impact of high-stakes testing on instructional pedagogy at one primary school, according to teachers, students and parents. The data for this investigation were collected from participants through semi-structured, qualitative interviews. This presentation will summarise the impact that NAPLAN has had on the attitudes and pedagogies of the teaching and learning of mathematics. Keywords: Assessment Repeated as C19 and D15 Intentionally Engaging 2.0 (Presenter: Greg Carroll) Not all engaging tasks are good tasks, but many are. In this hopefully engaging session, with lots of activities to be taken away, we will look at what distinguishes a good task from a time filler. Bring a sense of fun and a desire to enjoy your teaching career. This session has a similar theme to the 2015 presentation but covers all new activities. Keywords: Hands On Repeated as C20 and H16 Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving And Reasoning. How Do We Do It All (Presenter: Paul Tuchtan) We will explore how we use Maths Mastery and G. R.I. N. (getting ready for numeracy) in our school and still maintain our ideology of having a mathematically investigative school. By using these programs as well as Maths 300 and the like, our school has repeatedly made high growth and we would like to share our strategies with you. This session is ideal for those schools who: have just started or are new to using such programs interested in these possibilities or are having trouble managing any of these in your curriculum. While I have ticked that this is not a commercial presentation, I will be talking about two programs that I use at my school and if teachers are interested in them, they would have to purchase them from their creator ndash Monash University and ACER. Keywords: Innovative ModelsMaths by Inquiry Not Repeated What Maths Do Your Students Really Need After They Leave School (Presenters: Trish Jelbart, Cathy Bushell, Nicole Merlich) Many students are struggling with the Maths components of the TAFE and university courses. In some courses up to 50 of students cannot complete, fail or drop out because they do not have enough working Maths skills and knowledge to participate in the learning required despite having the potential. This session will look at the maths required for various TAFE courses and degrees and how we go about helping some of the students acquire the assumed maths skills and knowledge. Keywords: Learning Needs Not Repeated How To Teach Decimals Better (Presenters: Michael OReilly, Norrian Rundle) This presentation is based on the MY Numeracy Leader Decimals Module, plus much more. We will look at an easy to implement diagnostic test to identify common decimals misconceptions held by students. These misconceptions will be explored, as will a range of teaching strategies to address them. The concrete teaching aid, Linear Arithmetic Blocks (LABs), will be demonstrated. These can be constructed by participants and used to teach place value and decimals. Participants will receive copies of files and handouts, as well as detailed instructions for constructing the LABs. Keywords: Number Not Repeated Algebraic Thinking Revealed In Responses To Fraction Tasks (Presenters: Catherine Pearn, Max Stephens) The links between algebraic thinking and studentsrsquo experience of fractions in the middle years are not often explicitly taught. This presentation will focus on important links between fractional understanding and algebraic thinking. Based on extensive research using fractional tasks with students from Years 5 to 9 we will show how students move beyond arithmetic calculation to create chains of reasoning that are essentially algebraic. These methods are essentially multiplicative and can be generalised, in contrast to additive methods which work only with simple fractions. This presentation will introduce teachers to a range of question types and studentsrsquo successful solution strategies. Keywords: AlgebraFractionsNumber Repeated as C25 and D21 Teacher Teams Transforming Mathematics - Scoresby Secondary College Experience (Presenters: Leanne Wilson, Emma Morris) Leanne and Emma have designed and implemented a high quality teaching program that is inspiring student motivation, engagement and learning. The program is based on a guaranteed and viable curriculum that has been successfully differentiated to meet the needs of individuals and groups of students. Their classes are delivered as a team to Year 7 classes in purposeful spaces. The workshop will include some current theory, demonstration of planning documents and an opportunity for teachers to use resources that are available for free on the internet in many cases. There will be samples of pretesting pre-assessments, developing conceptual understanding through hands-on material, games and investigations and more. Guaranteed to be enjoyable and participants will gain knowledge of processes and resources that they will use in class the next lesson. Keywords: AssessmentDifferentiation Repeated as C26 and G26 Accessing Mathematical Content Through The Proficiency Strands (Presenter: Lorraine Day) This interactive workshop will investigate a range of tasks that use a problem solving approach for students to access deep understanding of mathematical concepts through reasoning and communication that will lead to greater fluency. Keywords: Maths by Inquiry Not Repeated Investigative Activities: Year 7 Australian Mathematics Curriculum (Presenter: Romolo Cirillo) Commercial Presentation Sample investigative activities suitable for use with students in Years 6-8, will be provided and discussed as indicative of what is available for purchase from the MAWA website. These are online resources available in editable digital form upon the purchase of a school site licence. Each activity comes with teacher notes indicating the dots points covered by the activity and the proficiencies that are addressed plus, solutions and a student handout of the activity. Participants will have opportunity to see the range of activities available within a bank of 120 activities covering all content areas of the Year 7 curriculum. While the session may be considered lsquocommercialrsquo as it will be showcasing materials available for purchase, the focus of the session will be on delivery of the Year 7 content and proficiencies. Keywords: AssessmentGamesHands OnMaths by Inquiry Repeated as C29 and I21 Numeracy Rescue (Presenter: Ian Lowe) Secondary teachers are frequently very concerned about the levels of numeracy of some of their Year 7 students. Ian has developed a program that comprises diagnosis and remediation in the form of hands-on activities, games and digital reinforcement. Come to learn and share the activities of this package that can lift your numeracy and NAPLAN) levels substantially. Keywords: GamesHands OnNumberVCAL Not Repeated Developing An Integrated Inquiry Based Curriculum For Year 7 STEM (Science, Technology amp Mathematics) (Presenter: Elizabeth Lonergan) CANCELLED - This presentation shares with delegates the why, what and how our College integrated a Science, Technology and Mathematics Program into one subject in Year 7. We will share insights from parents, teachers and students in reference to the program, the rationale, the curriculum, the achievements and the challenges. We will share how we have empowered our teachers and students to be critical reflective learners whilst achieving academic and social outcomes. Keywords: STEM Repeated as C31 and H26 A Pathway To VCE Algorithmics Units 3 amp 4 (HESS) (Presenter: Ivan Carlisle) VCE Algorithmics is an exciting new opportunity for students in their final years of school. At Melbourne Girls Grammar we have been working towards the goal of offering VCE Algorithmics in 2017. Our journey has included: the establishment of the A. I. Network - a coaching opportunity for students engaged in computer science competitions the integration of algorithmic approaches into our mathematics program and, the establishment of a Year 10 Algorithmics elective. In this presentation I will: outline the pathway we have developed discuss beneficial competition resources and, consider some opportunities regarding Edgy, Python, and Wolfram as VCE Algorithmics programming languages. Keywords: Algorithmics Repeated as C32 and H32 Using TI-Nspires Memory In An Efficient Way (Presenter: Mehmet Akif Altundal) TI-Nspire has a number of memory features which can be used by the students before and during the exams. In this session wersquoll cover the different memory types such as documents, problems, pages, functions, programs and different types of variables. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Teaching Mathematics In The Digital Age (Presenter: Phillip Sakellaridis) Teaching mathematics in a growing and evolving digital environment is becoming increasingly challenging. Having the right mix of traditional methodology paired with innovative teaching styles can for many seem like an impossible feat. Then we have to deliver the content in a way that caters for our young learners. This session will provide participants real examples of how the use of software like Microsoft OneNote can be used to teach day to day, allow assessment to be distributed, give students the opportunity to have a collaboration space with their teachers to ask questions. Delivering valuable insight in how to use CAS calculators can be used in effective ways where students can understand not only the access to menus but recall screen outputs. Keywords: Technology Repeated as C34 and G43 Problems Worth Exploring (Presenters: Shane Dempsey, Peter Fox) In this workshop we will explore infrequently asked questions the type that provide multiple entry and exit points, exploration, span multiple mathematics disciplines and provide opportunities for extension. Whether your exploring hailstones, calculating factors, intersecting altitudes or measuring complex distances, there is bound to be something here that stimulates your dendrites and engages your students. Sorry, due to time restrictions, problems such as Fermatrsquos last theorem will not be solved in this workshop. Keywords: Technology Repeated as C35 and D37 Using Sliders Functionality In TI-Nspire For Graphical Exploration (Presenter: Yew Fook Chan) In this workshop, participants will be taught to plan, design and create learning activities for their students in exploring the graphical features of standard functions, e. g. linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and reciprocal. Teachers will learn how to use the sliders functionality in TI-Nspire to effectively and efficiently help students make connections and understand the use of parameters in investigating the graphs of functions. Keywords: Technology Repeated as C37 and D43 Incorporating STEM Using TI-InnovatorTM (Presenters: Neale Woods, Gary Bass) In this workshop, participants will have a hands-on opportunity to trial the TI-InnovatorTM Hub, which is the latest development from Texas Instruments for incorporating Science, Technology, Mathematics and Science (STEM) into the classroom. TI-InnovatorTM allows students to develop projects across all these disciplines. The plug and play Hub supports the TI-Nspire CX handheld and software (as well as the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator). Additional probes and sensors suitable for developing STEM projects will also be available at the workshop. Keywords: STEMTechnology Not Repeated Mathematical Problem Solving With A TI-Nspire CX CAS (Presenter: Ng Wee Leng) Empowering students to make effective use of technological tools in the learning and application of mathematics is identified as an important objective of many school mathematics curricula. In this workshop, participants will engage in activities which explore uses of the TI-Nspire CX CAS Learning Handheld, at different stages of the problem-solving process, in solving a collection of mathematical problems suitable for upper secondary students. Keywords: Problem SolvingTechnology Repeated as C39 and E44 Worthwhile CAS Calculator Use In This Years 2nd Methods Exam (Presenter: Kevin McMenamin) Routine and clever use of the CAS calculator in past Methods 2 examinations has shown it to be advantageous and worth the time and effort in getting to know its workings. Generally, half of the multiple choice questions and many parts of the extended answer questions benefit from good calculator skills. This hands-on session will get you using the calculator to see just how helpful (or not) it was with this yearrsquos questions. The most efficient methods will be presented and questions where the calculator should be avoided will be pointed out. The session is suitable for TI-Nspire and ClassPad users and the Casio ClassPad will be the featured CAS. Keywords: Technology Repeated as C40 and J41 Learning Without Understanding (Presenter: Pumadevi Sivasubramaniam) This presentation describes how 100 trainee teachers who are fluent in performing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of proper fractions performed in making multiple representations of these mathematical computations involving fractions. The representations were first the computation, then representing the computation using a diagram and finally creating a word problem based on the mathematical computation. The aim of this study was to determine if multiple representation of the mathematical computation and the ability to make connections between the representations is an indicator of conceptual understanding. The study also attempted through discussion to mediate thinking and conceptual understanding of multiplication and division of fractions. Keywords: Number Not Repeated How To Use The Notes Pages On The TI-Nspire CAS CX Calculator (Presenter: Craig Browne) This workshop will focus on how to use the Notes Page application on the TI-Nspire CX Calculator. If you use the calculator in Years 10, 11 or 12 and have not used it then this session may interest you. The use of notes pages can give an alternative in how to perform calculations in an efficient manner. Keywords: Technology Repeated as C42 and J42 How Desmos Trumps CAS Calculators For Year 10-12 Mathematics (Presenters: Bryn Humberstone, Sam Hannah) A common initial objection to the online graphing calculator Desmos is that, unlike the CAS calculators, it cannot be used on exams. However, it has proved to be an invaluable tool in developing studentsrsquo conceptual understanding and mathematical sophistication. Moreover, the ability to provide real time feedback to students through Classroom Activities makes formative assessment easier than ever. In this talk we will demonstrate how we have used Desmos in our Year 10-12 classes. No prior knowledge of Desmos is assumed. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated ClassPad For Mathematical Methods (Presenter: Charlie Watson) This option will focus on efficient test and exam use of ClassPad by Year 11 and 12 Methods students. Participants will develop an awareness of key ClassPad skills that MM students should develop for use when solving mathematical problems and applying mathematical processes. Useful eActivities, programs and functions will be demonstrated and shared. A reasonable working knowledge of ClassPad will be assumed in the session, but donrsquot let that put you off - just come along, sit back and see whatrsquos possible. Keywords: Technology Repeated as C44 and H46 ClassPad: CAS For Learning In Maths Methods Units 1amp2 (Presenter: Ian Sheppard) From the extensive range of ClassPad activities written to the Australian Curriculum ATAR courses, the presenter will share reflections on his use, classroom practice and adaption of the resources to the VCE Maths Methods units 1ampamp2 course. These activities are designed to be used as introductions to topics enabling students to explore and develop deeper conceptual understanding. That is the device is being used as tool to assist learning rather than an extra to be taught. The workshop part of the session will allow participants to work through some of the material. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Linear Regression Analysis Using MS Excel: Simulation, Model Fitting, Diagnostics And Interpretation (Presenter: Nazim Khan) MS Excelrsquos Data Analysis capabilities and Add-Ins will be used to demonstrate the concept of Least Squares Linear Regression Analysis. The idea of Least Squares Regression (LSR) will be demonstrated using simulations. LSR model will be fitted to a given data set and various Diagnostic Tests (including Residual Analysis) will be used to determine the adequacy of the model. We shall consider analysing two scenarios: 1) Both the dependent and independent variables are continuous 2) The dependent variable is continuous but the independent variable is binary. We will interpret the estimates of the slope parameter and its 95 confidence interval. We may also consider centering the independent variable around the meanmedian to have a meaningful interpretation of the intercept parameter estimate. Keywords: Technology Repeated as C46 and G50 Further Mathematics Matrices Module Using The TI-Nspire (Presenter: Russell Brown) In this hands-on session we will cover many aspects of the new Further Mathematics Matrices module using the TI-Nspire. It will include matrix terminology such as binary and permutation matrices, inverse matrices, solving simultaneous equations, dominance and communication matrices, recursion using matrices. Many hints and shortcuts will be demonstrated. A short analysis task will also be shown. TI-Nspire CAS calculators will be available if required. Keywords: Technology Repeated as C47 and D50 VCAL Responsible Gambling Victoria Units (Presenters: Jamie Gray, Oliver Lovell) This session will share three Units of VCAL numeracy focusing on the topic of Responsible Gambling. Developed in partnership between MAV, experienced VCAL numeracy teachers, and the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation, the engaging, hands-on activitieslesson plans shared in this session have been trialled in numerous VCAL numeracy classes around the State. Designed with the challenges of differentiation in the diverse VCAL classroom, and the large number of out of field teachers taking VCAL numeracy classes in mind, this session will be of high value to all those aiming to support the mathematical development of VCAL students. Keywords: VCAL Repeated as C48 and J45 2015 Specialist Mathematics Examinations (Presenters: Allason McNamara, Philip Swedosh, Dean Lamson) Allason, Philip and Dean will discuss common student errors in the 2015 Specialist Mathematics examinations. An analysis of the Multiple Choice section will be given by-hand skills will be discussed and different approaches to answering the Extended Answer questions will be outlined. Keywords: Assessment Not Repeated Using Technology To Make Formative Assessment More Effective And Efficient (Presenter: Karen McMullen) Tired of spending hours marking assessment tasks and then having students not even look at the meaningful feedback you gave them This session focuses on how technology can be used to decrease your marking time and to increase student learning. We will look at software such as Google Forms, Flubaroo, Screencast O Matic, Kahoot and Socrative. Keywords: AssessmentTechnologyVCAL Repeated as D1 and H1 Two Days In Finnish Primary School (Presenter: Trish Jelbart) International testing often places Finland at the top of the scales and has done for many years, whereas Australia is showing a decline. This session will present what goes on in a typical Finnish primary school over the course of 2 days, with a focus on mathematics and within the context of broader discussions about similarities and differences to Australian primary school education. The particular school in focus also has two classes for refugee and migrant students to learn Finnish before being placed in mainstream classes, indicating that this school caters for diversity. Keywords: Innovative Models Not Repeated reSolve: Maths By Inquiry For F-6 (Presenters: Bruce Ferrington, Kristen Tripet) The reSolve: Maths by Inquiry is an exciting new project co-sponsored by the AAMT and the Australian Academy of Science, producing lessons and resources for teachers F-10. This workshop, presented by two of the resource writers, will highlight many hands-on and engaging activities that illustrate the philosophy and pedagogy behind bringing inquiry into the maths classroom. The workshop will focus on the three elements of the resolve protocol ndash to be purposeful to be accessible yet challenging and to promote a supportive knowledge-building community. Keywords: Maths by Inquiry Repeated as D3 and H3 Early And Aspiring Primary Maths Leaders (Presenter: Jen Briggs) Are you a new or aspiring leader of primary mathematics and need some direction on where to start This session will explore ways of introducing a whole school approach to mathematics, building an agreed and viable curriculum, and developing teacher capacity and pedagogical content knowledge. Resources used at Derrimut Primary School will be available and participants are welcome to sign up to an email distribution list to form a small early leaders network for ongoing support and collaboration. Keywords: Leadership Not Repeated Making The Most Of Maths Card Games (Presenters: Paul Swan, David Dunstan) In this session participants will play a series of card games. These games will follow a similar routine, so once you have taught the rules to one, slightly different versions of the same game may be used to differentiate the level of difficulty or the topic. The mathematics behind the games will be linked to the Australian Curriculum. By the end of the session participants will be designing their own games, based on some general routines. Keywords: Games Not Repeated Once A Day-Two Ways (Presenter: Shane Calthorpe) A two prong presentation, focusing on the research into problem solving and how this research can best be applied to a classroom learning situations. Follow one classroom teachersrsquo journey through the research, development, trials and tribulations of implementing a classroom program designed to improve studentsrsquo attitude to mathematical problem solving and their ability to solve challenging problems. The audience will share in relevant research into problem solving and how this applies to the modern day learner. They will be walked through a pilot project delivered across multiple schools and see how the lessons learnt from lsquoOnce a Day-Two Waysrsquo can be applied to their classrooms. Keywords: Innovative Models Repeated as D6 and J5 Active explosion Of Understanding Within The Measurement Strand (Presenter: Jan Cavanagh) Using the Measurement Mat with students gives motivation and understanding through physical involvement. This effective engagement of students encourages explosive outcomes for measurement understandings. The resulting student-constructed models illustrate how well they understand and can use concepts of one, two and three dimensions (Length, Area and Volume). This is YuMi Deadly Maths pedagogy which involves Body, Hand and Mind to construct the ideas and concepts necessary to build measurement understanding. Keywords: Hands OnMeasurement Not Repeated Cool Ways To Teach Place Value For Years 1 To 3 (Presenter: Ian Howard) In this hands-on workshop yoursquoll learn why place value is so vital and how you can ensure that your students develop the basic concepts. Yoursquoll learn about the five basic properties of our number system. A feature of the workshop will be the use of simple materials and games that are designed to help children master the big ideas of place value. Theyrsquoll also develop the skills to become a wizard at mental computation. If yoursquore looking for some new engaging ideas and approaches then this workshop is for you. Keywords: GamesHands OnNumber Repeated as D8 and H11 Rich Mathematical Tasks Using Dragon And Cat Data Cards (Presenter: Nicola Petty) Commercial Presentation Rich tasks enable students at all levels to engage in mathematical and statistical thinking. StatsLC is developing a range of data cards and resources involving dragons, cats and more. In this fun, hands-on workshop we will use StatsLCrsquos Dragonistics data cards and Cat data cards in a number of statistical and mathematical tasks. Data cards can also be used in various games and activities developing skills in ordering, sorting and numeracy. The Dragon and Cat data cards are an exciting and inexpensive new product developed by StatsLC for use in classrooms from Year 1 up to Year 11. Keywords: Probability ampamp StatisticsTechnology Repeated as D9 and I9 Learning Fractions With Picture Puzzles (Presenter: Douglas Williams) This session offers a differentiated, multiple intelligence approach involving seeing, touching, saying and recording fractions in natural language which precedes and thereby strengthens fluency with their symbolic form. Cuisenaire Rods will be used because they are readily available and bridge to graph paper drawing. Picture Puzzle challenges which drive the session will be accessed through the web so bring your own web-connected computing device - smart phone through to laptop, it doesnrsquot matter which - to use with a partner. In combination these tools will teach us to lsquoseek the wholersquo when attempting to solve any symbol or word based fraction exercise. Keywords: Fractions Not Repeated Differentiation In One Easy Lesson () (Presenter: Jacinta Blencowe) We all know that there can be a wide range of abilities and attitudes towards maths in a single class. How do we cater to all these abilities in student learning Differentiation is one answer. But what is differentiation, why does it work and most importantly, how can I do it in my classroom Come and find out about differentiation from the research base to classroom practice. And leave with some practical ideas and formats to try in your own classroom. Keywords: Differentiation Repeated as D13 and I12 Maths Card Games For Years 3-8 - A Strategy For Basic Number Facts (Presenter: Richard Korbosky) Commercial Presentation Get students excited to learn, think and communicate mathematically by playing maths cards games: Times Table, Tenth Game, Hundredth Game, Fraction Games and the Relato Game which links fractions, decimals and percentage. The maths cards are enjoyable, challenging and adaptable to different student ability levels. See how you can get students to practice basic facts using a different strategy, focus on mathematical language, see the same concept represented in different ways and develop studentrsquos flexible mathematics thinking. This session is for any teacher who has students who need a different strategy to practice their basic facts in a range of mathematics ideas. Keywords: Games Repeated as D14 and H14 Student Performance In The AMC (Presenter: Mike Clapper) Over the last few years, the Australian Mathematics Trust has developed a sophisticated calibration mechanism for its AMC competition in order to ensure the appropriate level of accessibility and challenge in the competition. This has involved analysing the performance of many years of past competition questions which has revealed some fascinating insights into the questions that students can and canrsquot do. This presentation will provide teachers with a few surprise results from this analysis and some strategies for improving problem-solving performance. Keywords: Problem SolvingStudent Activities Repeated as D16 and I15 Maths And Sport (Presenter: Ian Lowe) MAV has produced two digital resources the support the National Sports Museum: a pdf file with many links to resources, called ldquoPick your Sportsrdquo, and an app. Both support visits to the NSM, located at the MCG, However ldquoPick your Sportsrdquo is freely available from ampltnsm. org. auampgt (School excursions ampgt Learning resources ampgt Mathematics) will be explored participants in this session, led by its author. It is useful for anyone from Years 4 to VCAL who wants to use studentsrsquo interest in sports to stimulate an interest in maths, and show that maths is everywhere. Keywords: TechnologyVCAL Not Repeated Exploring Problem Solving Strategies In Maths - Teachers Starting Point (Presenters: Iqbal Hossain, Fahmida Hossain) Without direction, the majority of students in upper primary and lower secondary students will fall back on lsquotrial and errorrsquo. To become an efficient problem solver, we must explore the different strategies for problem solving. This session will cover in detail strategies to help develop good problem solving habits. Also, to provide teachers and their students with opportunities to develop their problem solving skills, a wide range of valuable resources and web references will be supplied. Keywords: Maths by InquiryProblem Solving Repeated as D18 and J20 Formative Assessment For The Transition From Year 6 To Year 7 (Presenters: Pauline Rogers, James Spithill) The first step in planning a lesson sequence is to know what students can or cannot do. Year 7 students are mostly new to a school and come from a variety of Year 6 feeder schools. The presentation will describe what we learned from a small project designed to assist Year 7 teachers with formative assessment activitieslessons that might reveal where students are at in their understanding of important mathematical concepts. The focus is on fractions, capacity, geometric transformations and data analysis. Keywords: Assessment Repeated as D19 and G24 Sundials And Other Solar Instruments (Presenter: Tim Byrne) We are given one day at a time to live, so our fundamental unit of time is arguably the day. We divide the day into 24 parts and further subdivide that into 60 parts and even further into 60 parts before becoming metric. Curiously, time is the only area which has largely resisted metrication, for reasons which are worth reflecting upon. In this workshop, participants make simple instruments without moving parts that have worked for millennia. This workshop helps participants create instruments which mark the passing hours and minutes while also creating an instrument which monitors the apparent passage of the sun across the sky. Modifications for each location are explained. Participants will be invited to consider the possibilities of a metrication of time, namely, a sundial for a metric day. What would a sundial look like on another planet, like Mars where a sol is 24 hours and 37 minutes Keywords: Hands OnMeasurement Repeated as D20 and I18 Strategies For Problem Solving (Presenter: Susie Groves) While Problem Solving is identified as one of the four Proficiency strands in the Australian Curriculum, there is little evidence of the type of problem solving that was included in the Working Mathematically dimension of VELS. This workshop focuses on ways in which teachers can develop their studentsrsquo sense of mathematical inquiry through mathematical activities that focus on problem solving skills and strategies. Keywords: Maths by Inquiry Repeated as D22 and H22 Teaching Statistics With Data Investigations And Cool Tools (Presenters: Dung Tran, Max Stephens) Datahellip datahellip data. This session will explore what it means to teach and learn statistics through an investigative cycle focusing on data. We will explore the possibilities of students engaging with real data, using lsquocoolrsquo tools such as Gapminder World and TuvaLabs and of teaching statistics with data. Participants will have opportunities to engage with exciting videos and use web-based tools for exploring data. Participants will be introduced to some free online data visualization tools as well as quality resources such as lesson plans and readings to use in classrooms. Keywords: Probability ampamp StatisticsTechnology Repeated as D23 and J21 My Students Dont Know Their Tables (Presenters: Norrian Rundle, Michael OReilly) Too many students in the Middle Years do not have automatic recall or even efficient strategies to work out the Multiplication Facts. While they have been taught strategies to calculate their Multiplication Facts, they mostly resort to counting on their fingers, using the lsquotablesrsquo on the back of their exercise book or calculators. This workshop will look at an alternate representation of the lsquotimes tablesrsquo, with associated efficient strategies for learning the Multiplication Facts. In this option you will be shown how to effectively teach the Multiplication Facts to Middle Years students who do have automatic recall. Keywords: Number Repeated as D24 and G29 CollaborativeSocial Learning: Todays Student Pathway (Presenter: Alan Power) Commercial Presentation Every student in school today was born into the Web Age that is from 1991 when Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web. They were also born into the social media world of connections, sharing, being and working together any time. Teachers were not and must meet the challenge of bridging the massive gap between teaching traditionally and learning of web-age students. MathsRepublic will present the findings of a Macquarie University study regarding collaborative learning through problem-solving to support its premise that todayrsquos learning pathway is very different. Keywords: Online Learning Repeated as D25 and G30 Programming Mathematical Algorithms (Presenter: Greg Breese) The Victorian Curriculum has included elements of algorithmic thinking within mathematics and digital technologies. This hands-on workshop will show how several mathematical algorithms can be implemented within a visual block-based programming environment. Keywords: Coding Not Repeated Investing In Teachers: A System Plan (Presenters: Catherine Smith, Paul Stenning) The creation of any new curriculum creates opportunities for teachers to review and evaluate their current practices and the achievements of their students with a view to improve learning opportunities. As noted by Peter Sullivan in Chapter 9 of the 2012 MERGA publication ldquoEngaging the Australian National Curriculum: Mathematics - Perspectives from the Fieldrdquo, the take up of these opportunities will largely depend on the type and nature of the support teachers are given. This session will explore the response by a system of schools to significantly invest in teacher learning using current research and best practices to drive the development of key initiatives. Keywords: Leadership Repeated as D28 and I24 Why We Should Lower The Average Marks Of Females In STEM (Presenters: Felicity Furey, Jillian Kenny) Only 11 of todayrsquos engineers are women. Imagine what our world might look like if that balance was fifty-fifty. How might our cities, school or hospitals be different 90 of female engineering students have an OP 1, dramatically higher than their male counterparts. It starts with the perception that females need to be at the top of their class to select senior maths in high school. We need to lower the average marks of females in STEM, not by lowering the top scores of our females, but by getting more females with lower scores to join their male counterparts. Keywords: STEM Not Repeated Differentiated Learning With Pearson Maths 2nd Edition (Presenters: Julian Lumb, Tim Carruthers, Daniel Hernandez) Commercial Presentation Differentiating content for students at different stages is a crucial aid to learning. We will work through planning for a new topic with Pearson Mathematics 2nd Edition, including ways to use digital and print content together. Pearsonrsquos innovative new digital product Lightbook Starter provides useful tools for formative assessment and tracking of student progress, to identify studentsrsquo needs and help facilitate learning. In this session you will also be able to explore the capabilities of Lightbook Starter from both a student and teacher user perspective. Keywords: Differentiation Not Repeated What Happens When Challenging Tasks Are Used In Mixed Ability Middle School Mathematics Classrooms (Presenter: Karen Perkins) The topics of Decimals and Polygons were taught to classes by using challenging tasks. Students were given a pre-test and a post-test that contained some of the same NAPLAN questions and a comparison was made. Prior to teaching through challenging tasks, students were surveyed about their mindset in regards to mathematics and how they think they learn best. They were surveyed again at the completion of the project to see if there were any changes. Keywords: Innovative Models Repeated as D31 and E35 re(Solve) Mathematics By Inquiry In The Secondary Classroom (Presenters: Steve Thornton, Michael Klinkert) re(Solve) Mathematics by Inquiry is an Australian Government funded project designed to promote inquiry approaches to mathematics from Foundation to year 10. The approach adopted empowers students to reason mathematically, emphasizing the key aspects of formulating complex problems and communicating and evaluating the solution. In this workshop we will demonstrate some of the secondary resources being developed for students and teachers. Participants will experience the spirit of inquiry through reSolve tasks that are mathematically purposeful, challenging yet accessible and supportive of a knowledge-building culture. Keywords: Innovative ModelsMaths by Inquiry Not Repeated MAV Year 10 Maths Camp (Presenter: Helen Haralambous) In 2016 the MAV conducted a one week Stimulus camp for rural Year 10 students who were gifted or talented in mathematics. Schools were given the opportunity of nominating up to two students significantly above average in their mathematical performance at Years 910 levels. Students participated in a one week city camp involving lsquocity experiencesrsquo and a variety of problem solving challenges and enjoyable activities. Mathematicians from commerce, industry and other fields shared their experiences and inspired the students to similar occupations. Mathematicians from Melbournersquos universities and research institutes were guest lecturers and mentors for the participants. An online community was be established to enable this group to keep in touch and to work together on challenges created for them. Students worked in teams with industry mentors and were presented with a real life scenario problem, from that industry, to solve in the week. This session will offer information for schools interested in having their students participate in the 2017 program and will include the 2016 resources developed, the program and student feedback. Resources will be shared and can be adapted by teachers as projectproblem solving materials for their classes. Keywords: Student Activities Not Repeated TI-Nspire Basics For Teachers With Limited Experience Of The Technology (Presenter: Frank Moya) This is a hands-on workshop in which participants will gain confidence using computational, graphing and statistics functionalities of TI-Nspire CAS technology. In addition to providing participants with calculator skills, the activities featured in the workshop will also illustrate how the technology might be used to enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics. Notes: Loan calculators will be available, if required. Alternatively, bring your own TI-Nspire calculator or software. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Mathematica and WolframAlpha, Coding And Functionality To Access Real-world Data (Presenter: Ian Willson) Use the Wolfram language of Mathematica to access an astounding array of data to provide real-world contexts for mathematical activities. Use the language to obtain real data that can be used across all secondary years for activities in computation, statistics and graphical work. Reference will also be made to the WolframAlpha computational knowledge engine and its use in the classroom. Keywords: CodingTechnology Repeated as D35 and I31 Examview 101: Build A Sustainable Assessment Environment (Presenter: John Meng) This workshop aims to introduce to teachers an effective tool, ExamView, to frequently assess, track, and analyse student comprehension of the subject content taught. In this hands-on workshop John will demonstrate how to effortlessly create study guides, quizzes and tests from the ExamView question banks. In addition, all the participants will learn how to instantly generate a wide range of assessment result analytics through ExamView Test Manager, which will be used to guide future teaching. Keywords: Assessment Repeated as D36 and G39 A Guide To Cambridges Online Resources Powered By HOTmaths (Presenter: VJ Gunawardana) Commercial Presentation HOTmaths is Australiarsquos premier online resource to teach and learn mathematics. Cambridge has loaded the new editions of the Essential Mathematics for the AustralianVictorian curriculum series (7-10), the new Cambridge Senior Maths for Australian CurriculumVCE series (11-12) and Cambridge GOLD maths onto the HOTmaths platform. This workshop will highlight how these new titles have been integrated with HOTmaths and demonstrate how to navigate through all of these interactive resources. Learn how you can make the most of both the student resources and the Learning Management System for teachers. Whilst HOTmaths offers courses for Years F-10, this workshop will focus on secondary only. Keywords: Online Learning Repeated as D38 and G44 Making Flipped Learning Work For Your Class (Presenter: Ben Dennis) In this session staff will learn the benefits of flipped learning and practical advice on how it can be implemented. Hear how flipped learning can increase the productivity of students and reduce the workload of staff. Keywords: Innovative ModelsVCAL Repeated as D39 and J34 Teaching Mathematics In The Light Of STEM (Presenter: Karim Noura) Teachers will share some practical maths activities in the light of STEM program (Science, Technology, Engineering ampamp Maths). Keywords: STEMVCAL Repeated as D40 and J35 Teaching Mathematics To Secondary Students Who Have Major Gaps In Their Mathematical Understanding (Presenter: Leith Pavlinovich) Teaching Mathematics to students in Years 7-12 who simply lsquodo not get itrsquo is extremely challenging for Secondary Mathematics teachers. The Mathematics Association of WA has developed a resource based on the Australian Core Skills Framework Level 3, suitable for students with significant gaps in their learning. In this session, we will work through some of the number strategies and the mathematical thinking processes that Secondary Mathematics teachers have successfully used to assist students to graduate as numerate adults and to pass OLNA, the WA test designed to recognise a minimum standard of numeracy. Keywords: Learning Needs Repeated as D41 and H37 Using Algorithms To Make Better Decisions (Presenter: Kylie McColl) This hands-on workshop demonstrates how to incorporate algorithms into your mathematics classroom. How do algorithms run our computers and our lives These sample lessons will explain how they work, provide practical and engaging tasks and show students how to take advantage of them to make better decisions in their own lives. Keywords: Coding Repeated as D42 and J36 CANCELLED - Approaches To Mathematical Literacy Tasks: Findings From A Study Involving Mathematics And Mathematical Literacy Learners (Presenter: France Machaba) This presentation emerges from an analysis of 207 learnersrsquo responses to a Mathematical Literacy task (Task 4) presented to learners studying Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy in South Africa. Officially, Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy are two separate learning areas. Learners from Grade 10 onwards are supposed to take either one or the other but not both. This means that there is a potential that by the time learners reach Grade 11, they would have acquired different kinds of knowledge and problem-solving skills depending on which of these they take. This presentation presents an analysis involving data from Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy learners which shows that it is less possible for Mathematical Literacy to stand alone ndash to assume an exclusive identity. Using a qualitative and quantitative approach, it is argued that a Mathematical Literacy task will largely have many other aspects (especially Mathematics) embedded in it. What gives Mathematical Literacy an identity cannot be divorced from Mathematics. This assumption is illustrated by examining the ways in which Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy learners solved a Mathematical Literacy task. Keywords: Literacy Not Repeated How Mathematical Modelling Can Help You Understand The World (Presenter: Jan Brugard) Commercial Presentation Using Wolfram SystemModeler it is possible to develop mathematical models in a large variety of areas, including mechatronics, computational biology, and social science. This presentation will illustrate how you can use a graphical environment like SystemModeler to easily create complex systems of differential algebraic equations (DAErsquos) in order to perform advanced simulations. Making it possible for students to study and understand realistic systems while getting an insight to how powerful mathematics can be. You will also learn how Victoria teachers and students can gain free access to the software. Keywords: Technology Repeated as D45 and J40 There Is An App For That (Presenter: Jim Lowe) Whether it is iOS, Android or even Windows there are Apps in existence for just about anything. This session will look at a few Apps that in addition to their intended function also provide useful information and data that we can use in the mathematics classroom. Data can be extracted from these and further investigations carried out using any of the technologies available in schools. The hands-on activities will make use of flight data that can be used to introduce some calculus concepts. Participants will learn how to use the Apps to obtain custom data for students or alternatively use the datasets and activities to be provided during this workshop. Keywords: Technology Repeated as D46 and H42 Further Maths Examinations 1 amp 2: Advantageous Use Of The CAS Calculator (Presenter: Kevin McMenamin) This session will look at questions from this yearrsquos papers and discuss how useful applications of the CAS calculator aided in finding many answers. The use of pre-programmed material and ways information assisting calculator functionality could be recorded in the bound reference will be addressed. The session offers a hands-on experience that will give you the opportunity to use the calculator just like the students. The session is open to TI-Nspire and ClassPad users and the featured calculator will be the Casio ClassPad. Keywords: Technology Repeated as D47 and H43 ClassPad For Further Mathematics (Presenter: Charlie Watson) This option will focus on efficient test and exam use of ClassPad by Year 12 Further Math students, with a backwards glance at preparatory work from Year 11 General. Participants will develop an awareness of key ClassPad skills that FM students should develop for use when solving mathematical problems and applying mathematical processes. Useful eActivities, programs and functions will be demonstrated and shared. A reasonable working knowledge of ClassPad will be assumed in the session, but donrsquot let that put you off - just come along, sit back and see whatrsquos possible.. Keywords: Technology Repeated as D48 and G49 How To Teach Specialist Maths, If You Must (Presenter: Marty Ross) In reality, Specialist Maths is not all that special. However, the subject does include some genuine mathematical ideas, along with the predictable oddities and half-topics. In this talk wersquoll try to clarify some of the deep and weird and tricky parts of the subject. In particular, wersquoll try to create a sensible path through the new and thoroughly idiotic jungle-topic of statistical inference. Keywords: Jungle Clearing Not Repeated Volumes Of Revolution Using TI-Nspire (Presenters: Tim Grabovszky, Raymond Rozen) Volumes of revolution are often difficult to visualise. We will look at how to construct volumes of revolution on the TI-Nspire calculator. This is a very dynamic application that enables you rotate the object and view it from different perspectives. TI-Nspire calculators will be provided if you do not have your own. Keywords: Technology Repeated as D51 and E49 ClassPad: CAS For Learning In Maths Methods Units 3amp4 (Presenter: Ian Sheppard) From the extensive range of ClassPad activities written to the Australian Curriculum ATAR courses, the presenter will share reflections on his use, classroom practice and adaption of the resources to the VCE Maths Methods units 3ampamp4 course. These activities are designed to be used as introductions to topics enabling students to explore and develop deeper conceptual understanding. That is the device is being used as tool to assist learning rather than an extra to be taught. The workshop part of the session will allow participants to work through some of the material. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Dyscalculia And Low Numeracy, Diagnosis And Intervention (Presenter: Ann Williams) In the first hour: The definition and causes of dyscalculia. How to lsquospotrsquo dyscalculia in the classroom and how to differentiate between dyscalculia and lsquocommon or gardenrsquo Maths difficulties. How it affects a childrsquos self-belief system, in particular, Maths anxiety. There will be a brief discussion of the genetics and neuroscience underpinning dyscalculia and many resources and useful websites will be given. During the second hour there will be a description of a selection of multisensory concrete materials that the author has successfully used to help all students understand both arithmetical and algebraic concepts. This two hour PD will satisfy VIT requirements for APST 1.6. Keywords: Learning Needs Not Repeated What Is Flipped Learning About And How Does Adobe Help (Presenter: Tim Kitchen) Commercial Presentation Flipped Learning is about making the most of class time. It is about teachers delivering instructional content outside of the classroom, usually for homework and usually via streamed video. This allows for more time in the mathematics class for students who need extra support. Adobe has a range of simple to use flipped learning solutions that will be shared in this sessions by Dr Tim Kitchen, Adobersquos Senior Education Specialist for Asia Pacific. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Maths Inside - Maths Engagement Through Rich Tasks (Presenters: Mary Coupland, Anne Prescott) This session discusses the project ldquoMaths Insiderdquo, presenting maths resources, outlining early results of implementation, as well as the main purposes and design choices that aim to support mathematics engagement and learning in schools. The project is designing authentic rich tasks that show the ways maths is used in real world applications, along with videos illustrating scientific applications of maths based technologies. At completion, Maths Inside intends to be able to offer a substantive and evidence-based perspective on maths learning in Australian secondary schools, together with learning tools that can facilitate effective teaching practices. Keywords: Innovative Models Not Repeated Hexagonal Prism, 2x, Numeration And Calculus (Presenter: Anthony Harradine) Come and experience a series of increasingly complex activities about functions and the hexagonal prism. The tasks require students to apply Pythagoras, trigonometry and either the table function (or spreadsheet) on a calculator andor calculus. Low entry, as high an exit as you desire with a delicious outcome that links nature to mathematics. Keywords: GeometryMeasurement Not Repeated Challenging Tasks For The Early Years (Foundation - Year 2) (Presenters: Nadia Walker, Lisa Cuming) As part of the EPMC Challenging Tasks project, Benton Junior College has been developing ways to engage our Early Years students in complex and challenging mathematical learning tasks. This hands-on workshop will explore some of the tasks that have been successful with Foundation to Year 2 students. The workshop will involve lessons, lesson ideas, student videos and works samples. Keywords: Maths by InquiryProblem Solving Repeated as E1 and J1 TUNE ME IN, Short Sharp Maths Warm-Ups To Get Your Lessons Rolling (Presenters: Tim Colman, Jonathan Schmidt) Do you want to engage and excite your students at the beginning of every Mathematics lesson In this workshop participants will work through a series of hands-on practical short activities to implement at the beginning of their Mathematics lessons. The session will highlight simple and effective tuning in activities across P-6 in a mixed ability classroom. Join us in this interactive workshop Dice games, card games and engaging picture books will be explored. Keywords: GamesHands OnNumberStudent Activities Repeated as E2 and J4 Maths Card Games In Early Childhood F-2 (Presenter: Richard Korbosky) Commercial Presentation Get your students excited to learn and communicate mathematically playing maths cards games: Subitising Game, Count - Oh Game, Numbers 20-110 Game and the Problemo Game. The cards are enjoyable, challenging and adaptable to different student ability levels and differentiate the early childhood classroom. See how you can get students to practice basic facts using a different strategy, focus on mathematical language, see the same concept represented in different ways and develop studentrsquos flexible mathematics thinking. Keywords: Games Repeated as E4 and G4 Digital Tools To Capture The Proficiency Strands (Presenter: Brent Hughes) Commercial Presentation Too often children are shown how to do something then asked to move to fluency. Too often digital tools are used to enhance this fluency. Too often this leads to monumental gaps in a childrsquos conceptual understanding. I can help stop all of this. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Immersed In Maths (Presenter: Stephen Cadusch) I work at a rural school with a current enrolment of 36 students in three classes. In 2015 we changed the way we operate, with teachers working in subject areas rather than year level classes. I am the Mathematics teacher, teaching all three classes across seven year levels. Many teachers I have spoken to have expressed interest in this model. This presentation will provide details of how we have structured classes our timetable feedback and comments from students, parents, and teachers impact on student learning and engagement positives and negatives and overall impressions and experiences from the past two years. Keywords: Innovative ModelsLeadership Repeated as E6 and J6 Algebra Has An Identity Problem (Presenter: Jan Cavanagh) Students have been told, or just pick up the vibes from parents and other adults that Algebra is difficult. We need to reverse that culture by teaching for understanding at whatever level they are at. Early Understandings of Algebra skills can be developed at any stage by acting out Change and Functions the YuMi Deadly Way. This begins from un-numbered examples through Arrow Maths, backtracking to solving equations, functions and graphs. Keywords: Algebra Not Repeated Teachers Emotional Mechanisms To Support Learning In Classroom (Presenters: Max Stephens, Xin Zhao) Can teachers use the power of emotion to improve the quality of studentsrsquo learning The emotional contribution of the teacher is often ignored in planning lessons, but emotional messages are inevitably received by students. Different students may experience positive emotions such as excitement and interest, while others may experience negative emotions such as anxiety and boredom. The relationship between teachersrsquo emotional input and resulting learning is not automatic or mechanical. Based on current classroom studies from China, this session will provide a practical framework through which teachers can employ emotions to more effectively integrate emotional dimensions into the mathematics classroom. Keywords: Innovative Models Repeated as E9 and CANCELLED H7 Essential Assessment Victorian Curriculum Assessment And Curriculum Made Easy (Presenter: Andrew Spitty) Commercial Presentation Essential Assessment provides an easy and affordable way for Victorian Primary and Secondary schools to deliver a consistent and whole school approach to Victorian Curriculum numeracy assessment and curriculum. Essential Assessment delivers a whole school approach to formative and summative assessment for Victorian schools and delivers an online differentiated assessment and curriculum model aligned to the content descriptions of the Victorian Curriculum. Our online assessment program assesses and develops student knowledge within each proficiency standard while delivering a reportable Victorian Curriculum Level or Progression Point for each student. Our online assessment program then creates a differentiated online curriculum to progress each students understand within each sub-strand of the curriculum Keywords: Assessment Repeated as E10 and G11 Prompting Productive Mathematical Discussions (Presenter: Amie Albrecht) Mathematical conversations are crucial to mathematics learning. By trying to explain their problem-solving approaches and solution strategies to convince others that they are right, students refine their thinking and improve their problem-solving skills. Appropriate tasks, in which everyone can meaningfully contribute ideas, also help students feel valued and mathematically competent. This workshop will be packed full of tasks, ideas and structures to encourage rich mathematical discussions with links to a range of resources. Keywords: Problem Solving Not Repeated The Importance Of A Growth Mindset In Mathematics (What The Dweck) (Presenter: Leanne McMahon) According to Carol S. Dweck, there are two fundamental mindsets that a student (or a teacher) can have about intelligence: it is fixed, or it is fluid and can increase with practice and training. These two mindsets strongly affect studentsrsquo perception of their intelligence as well as achievement. Dweck believes addressing mindsets is a central area in which educators can work to close the achievement gap. In this option we will look at developing a growth mindset as teachers and the research on its power in improving student outcomes in mathematics. Keywords: Innovative Models Not Repeated Go Further With PAT Maths (Presenter: Pauline Rogers) Commercial Presentation A constant question for teachers is ldquoNow that we have our student data, what is best to do nextrdquo This presentation will bring you up to date with recent enhancements to ACERrsquos PAT Maths materials, such as i) extension to Early Years against the existing common PAT scale ii) the power and flexibility of online reporting iii) the use of PAT testing to inform teaching and learning iv) the richness of the PAT Resources Centre materials for deepening understanding of mathematics pedagogy. This all amounts to re-framing the teacherrsquos role as one of action research. Keywords: Assessment Repeated as E14 and H12 Inquiry-based Mathematics (Presenters: Shyam Drury, Scott Hamilton) The inquiry approach to mathematics gives students agency in their own mathematical thinking, and teaches them to lsquothink like mathematiciansrsquo. Students learn how to formulate questions, and regulate their own learning. They learn how to investigate in a way that leads to meaningful conclusions, and how to justify, provide reasoning, and prove their results. Shyam Drury has been working on action research projects trialling out the implementation of inquiry-based maths in early childhood and primary education, in collaboration with Curtin University and the Maths Association of WA. In this interactive workshop, he will share teaching methods informed by this research. Keywords: Maths by Inquiry Not Repeated Using Sequenced Lessons To Develop Students Multiplicative Thinking (Presenter: Lei Bao) It is believed that understanding multiplication is a significant step in learning mathematics and understanding the developmental stages of multiplicative thinking is an important step for teachers to help student build multiplicative thinking skills. Keywords: Multiplicative Thinking Repeated as E16 and G17 Grade 34s Developing Big Mathematical Ideas: Sharons Little Red Book (Presenters: Sharon Goldfinch, Gaye Williams) Sharonrsquos little red book containing her notes and reflections whilst working with Gaye stimulated this presentation. It is very precious to Sharon and often makes Gaye smile as Sharon refers to it as an authority in discussions with other teachers. Gaye is astounded at what Sharon has achieved through this reflective process and will point to key features as Sharon shares her insights and surprises and their relevance across the curriculum. Sharon and Gaye will share their amazement as Sharonrsquos Grade 34 class excitedly developed lsquobig mathematical ideasrsquo. This session is a must for primary teachers considering changing their practice. Keywords: Innovative Models Repeated as E18 and J12 Theres A Lot More To Times Tables Than Meets The Eye (Presenter: Christine Lenghaus) Wouldnrsquot we all love our students to have their times tables at their fingertips, without a calculator That doesnrsquot match the reality of my classroom. In this hands-on workshop, use the resources that I have developed, in a visual and kinaesthetic system for teaching multiplication and division, which goes beyond rote and is suitable for starting to teach these concepts through to completing the square. Understanding multiplication is essential as it is the foundation of nearly all secondary maths but very few of our students see the patterns in numbers, carry over into topics such as Algebra. Keywords: Number Repeated as E19 and J14 Algorithms And Coding Content In The New Victorian Curriculum (Presenters: Megan Blanch, Ash Breen) Are you ready to teach the Algorithm and Coding content of the new Victorian Curriculum next year At Mathspace we pride ourselves on being able to quickly adjust to curriculum needs. In this workshop we will review the content of the new curriculum, share ideas and strategies for teaching Algorithm and Coding at multiple year levels and you will walk away with free resources that can be used immediately in the classroom. Keywords: Coding Not Repeated Engaging Games To Develop Skills, Confidence And Higher Order Thinking (Presenter: Andrew Lorimer-Derham) Commercial Presentation Ever heard the words ldquoMaths is boringrdquo This session exists to prove otherwise. A hands-on workshop catering for all learning styles with a variety of engaging games. The Think Square is a dynamic teaching and learning tool designed to develop skills, confidence and higher order thinking in your students. Be inspired by creative activities you can use in your own classroom. This workshop is ideal for innovative mathematics teachers. Keywords: GamesVCAL Repeated as E21 and J15 Understanding Where Learners Are In Their Learning Requires More Than Skills-based Assessment (Presenter: Dianne Siemon) Starting with where learners are in their learning is a familiar and widely accepted approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics but how do we know where they are really at and what matters most Finding out that a significant number of Year 5 students gave an incorrect answer to a subtraction problem is valuable to know but what does it mean for practice When an error is made on a routine factorisation exercise in a computer-based learning management system, is getting re-routed to easier problem or a lsquohintrsquo the way to go This seminar will make a case for focussing on the big ideas and conceptual understanding as the means to improve student learning outcomes rather than a focus on narrow procedural skills. Keywords: Assessment Not Repeated Using Big Ideas To Connect The Dots In Mathematics (Presenters: Dave Tout, James Spithill) Big Ideas thinking helps teachers and students to see the connectedness in mathematics. Sometimes a top-down approach to thinking about curriculum works best. But faced with the reality of dot-pointed curriculum documents it is sometimes necessary to take a bottom-up approach. This presentation will look at some of the research around Big Ideas thinking, and give examples of how to employ it. Keywords: Innovative Models Repeated as E23 and I17 Wolfram STEM Tools Available For Free To All Victoria Schools: An Overview (Presenter: Craig Bauling) Commercial Presentation The Victoria Department of Education is supplying to all public and private schools the complete Wolfram tools suite including: Mathematica for higher secondary explorations, Mathematica Online for iPads and Tablets, WolframAlpha Pro for cross discipline exploration, Wolfram Programming Lab for introductory coding and Algorithm explorations, and Wolfram SystemModeler for visual modelling and simulation. Join Craig Bauling as he presents an overview of these tools and details on how to gain access for you and your students. Keywords: STEMTechnology Repeated as E24 and G23 Using Concrete And Visual Representations For Conceptual Understanding Of Operations Involving Fractions (Presenter: Heather McMaster) Fractions have multiple meanings and there are multiple ways in which fractions can be represented. This confusion impedes the progress of students in the middle years in their ability to conceptually understand and work with fractions symbolically. In this workshop, participants will discuss approaches to teaching common fractions in Years 5-7 of the Australian Curriculum. The aim is for students to develop mental strategies for working with fractions by being able to ldquosee themrdquo in their heads. Keywords: FractionsNumber Repeated as E25 and J18 Scaffolding Statistics Understanding In The Middle School (Presenter: Jane Watson) The Reforming Mathematical Futures 2 Project (RMIT and AAMT) is building a learning and teaching resource to enhance mathematical reasoning in Years 7 to 10. One of the focus content areas is Statistics. Based on the results of survey items completed by students in the project schools across Australia, tasks and scaffolding strategies will be suggested to improve student understanding across the years and to prepare for further study in Years 11 and 12. The session is intended to be interactive with participants solving problems and giving feedback on the strategies suggested. Keywords: Probability ampamp Statistics Repeated as E26 and G28 Numeracy Intervention That Works (Presenters: Michelle Anderson, Helen Barker) Commercial Presentation Here at Numurkah Secondary College we have seen growth of 0.7 years above the general population by engaging the Quicksmart Program within our school. QuickSmart aims to improve the numeracy of students who are not achieving their academic potential. Participating students may have varying levels of learning difficulties because of knowledge gaps, lack of practice, anxiety and low confidence. The QuickSmart program is a responsive small-group intervention that aims to develop fluent (Quick) and efficient (Smart) strategy use. QuickSmart uses research-based instructional strategies to support the learning of persistently low-achieving middle school students so that they are more actively and successfully engaged in inclusive classroom settings. Keywords: Learning Needs Repeated as E27 and H24 Cloud-based Planning, Tracking amp Reporting For Easy Differentiation In Todays Classrooms (Presenters: Bill Murray, Victoria Pichler) Commercial Presentation The new cloud-based Classroom Organiser enables teachers to prepare a lesson plan for every topic set for the year and to track student progress against the set lesson plan. With separate login-ins for students, teachers and parents, the system enhances student self - paced learning and encourages students to work through various levels of achievement. The system helps teachers to differentiate to meet individual student needs. The system also enables extension students to work well ahead of their year level and teachers to monitor their progress. The planning and tracking is easy to set up and the Classroom Organiser can import or export data in standard formats to work in with existing school record systems. Keywords: Learning NeedsTechnology Repeated as E28 and J22 Using Technology To Teach And Assess Probability In The Middle Years Programme (Presenters: Kim Shuyue Zhang, Su Yin Tee) Introducing the idea of experimental and theoretical probability via a simple game for limited number of trials followed by the generation of data for large number of trials using Graphing Technology. Getting students to appreciate the use of Graphing Technology for experiential learning and assessment of Criteria C (Communication) and D (Applying Mathematics in real-life contexts) for the Middle Years Programme, which leads to the International Baccalaureate. Keywords: Innovative ModelsTechnology Not Repeated Differentiation Versus Modification - How Do I Effectively Differentiate For All Learning Needs And Styles (Presenter: Elizabeth Lonergan) This workshop will explain the difference between differentiation and modification and support delegates to effectively differentiate mathematical learning using content, strategies, process and classroom layout. Delegates will leave the session with a clear understanding of what and how to differentiate, as well as a tool box of ideas on how to effectively cater for all learning needs, abilities and learning styles in their mathematics classroom. Keywords: Differentiation Repeated as E30 and G31 Problem Solving Literacy, Pedagogy And Strategies (Presenters: Kelly Anne Gallivan, Jessica Mount, Shanna Rankin) As a mathematics teacher, how often have you made the report comment that a particular student needs to improve their ability to accurately read and solve problems This presentation presents pedagogy that can be used to integrate problem solving into any and every lesson. It will focus on how to teach problem solving strategies and how to build upon studentsrsquo language literacy skills to decode worded problems. Keywords: LiteracyProblem Solving Repeated as E31 and I22 A Hands-on Approach To Mathematics (Presenter: Kim Walker) This workshop aims to provide teachers with practical examples of how lessons can be developed with a hands-on approach to the teaching and learning of Mathematics at Years 7 and 8, through the use of manipulatives and current media topics. We will look at ways to cultivate studentsrsquo curiosity by exploring the mathematics in the world around them. Keywords: Hands On Not Repeated Maths - Not For People Like Me (Presenters: Felicity Furey, Jillian Kenny) 75 of the worldrsquos fastest growing careers require STEM skills, yet females and other minority groups remain underrepresented in these subjects. The accepted response to these facts is that if only we can enthuse inspire encourage these particular groups to enter STEM fields, then the skills shortfall will disappear. This interactive workshop explores another avenue - the language we use to talk about STEM - and the impact it has on how people relate to the field. Attendees will work through two teaching resources that can be run with students to help engage and inspire girls about careers in STEM. This presentation forms the first part of a two-part suite, the first part of which is the lecture: Why we should lower the average marks of females in STEM. Keywords: STEM Not Repeated Maths In A Box - Developing Mathematical Modelling Skills (Presenter: Jim Lowe) Using origami folding techniques to create a series of paper boxes produces a dataset which students can use to develop mathematical models using an investigative approach. Using the measurement from the boxes, students investigate relationships using both graphical and algebraic methods to develop models that provide solutions to the problem posed. In this hands-on workshop participants will be involved in both the construction and modelling activities using the available technology to provide a focus for the discussion on how best to develop studentsrsquo mathematical modelling skills. Keywords: Problem Solving Repeated as E34 and J25 Using Challenging Mathematics Tasks And Pedagogies To Improve Achievement Of All Students (Presenter: Peter Sullivan) This session will illustrate how using challenging tasks with appropriate pedagogies creates interesting and engaging learning environments. In particular, the ways that such approaches enhance achievement for all students will be illustrated. Keywords: Innovative Models Not Repeated Mathematical Modelling Using Handheld Technology (Presenter: Thomas Yeo) As Mathematics educators, we often want our students to be able to apply the concepts they learnt in class in real life. In the Mathematics classroom, we can easily use modelling to bring that idea into the lessons. In this workshop, participants will learn how to create simple modelling activities using the TI-Nspire handheld. The presenter will also share his experience in using these activities in the Singapore Mathematics classroom. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Re-Visioning Year 10: Student Ownership, Differentiation, And Rigour (Presenters: Colin Shnier, Emily Breslin) How can we design a course that allows all students to learn, regardless of their prior knowledge How can we give effective, timely feedback to students and teachers, and use it to guide student learning How can we provide students with the opportunity and skill set to manage their own learning Our Mathematics faculty used these questions to guide reform of our Year 10 classrooms. In this session, some of our teachers will share our process for setting up new courses, the products we developed, and our research into their effectiveness. Teachers will leave the session with sample units and strategies to implement similar models in their own school. Keywords: AssessmentMaths by InquiryDifferentiationInnovative Models Repeated as E38 and I30 Think Like A Coder (Presenters: Antje Leigh-Lancaster, Aynur Bulut, Sophie Matta) Commercial Presentation In this session you will have the opportunity to explore our new python coding platform and tasks designed to develop algorithmic thinking ampamp reasoning skills within a coding environment. They have been specifically developed to meet the 2017 Victorian Mathematics Curriculum algorithmic thinking and coding requirements. Come along and have a play. Keywords: Coding Not Repeated Proofs By Pictures (Presenter: Mike Clapper) This presentation presents a number of interesting algebraic and geometric problems or theorems that can be solved or proved by a purely pictorial method. These pictures can often provide striking insights into the connections between different mathematical ideas. Keywords: Problem Solving Repeated as E40 and J30 CODE For Success In Mathematics (Presenter: Peter Fox) Coding (programming) is becoming more and more pervasive, so it is not surprising that some states have mandated it in their curriculum. The process of coding however supports neurological development that is advantageous to mathematical thinking, reasoning and problem solving. In this workshop participants will write some basic programs that explore simple mathematical conjectures, theories that have never been proven but have become increasingly accepted by numerical exhaustion. And just for fun, wersquoll also explore the new TI-InnovatorTM, a brilliant way to engage in STEM activities. Keywords: Coding Not Repeated Mathematical Investigations Using TI-Nspire: Years 9 And 10 (Presenter: Frank Moya) The remarkable mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan ndash the subject of this yearrsquos film ldquoThe man who knew infinityrdquo, made ground-breaking discoveries in areas including continued fractions and infinitely-nested square roots. In this hands-on workshop, dynamic computation, using TI-Nspire CAS technology, will be used to explore phenomena related to Ramanujanrsquos work. In addition, the final investigation will involve the use of dynamic geometry to explore relationships between the properties of selected geometric shapes. All of the featured activities have been used successfully with students in Years 9 and 10. Keywords: GeometryTechnology Not Repeated VCE Algorithmics (Modelling And Solving Problems) (Presenter: Georgia Gouros) As a subject VCE Algorithmics introduces students to new ways of thinking about problem solving, building on the foundations of mathematics of the middle years of secondary education. This course gives students the opportunity to develop analysis skills through problem solving learning how to express the solution to the problem as an algorithm. They go on to develop skills of evaluation by comparing algorithmic solutions in terms of correctness and efficiency. Students doing Algorithmics have expressed that they felt empowered with new knowledge, confidence and skills when approaching unfamiliar problems and challenges. This session will focus on exploring the creation of correct and efficient solutions by sharing some of the activities used to engage a diverse and dispersed cohort of students. Keywords: Algorithmics Repeated as E45 and I46 Approximations, Recursion And Sampling Using The Technology Of The Casio ClassPad (Presenter: Kevin McMenamin) The introduction of recursion, approximation techniques and sampling procedures linked to probability provides the perfect opportunity to explore their detail using technology. This will be a hands-on experience that will utilise the Spreadsheet, Sequences, eActivity and Statistics applications of the Casio ClassPad to model their behaviours. Annuities, Reducing-balance home loans, Newtonrsquos Method, Bisection Method, Hypothesis testing and Random sample generation will be the featured concepts. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Understanding Finance - The General And Further Mathematics Courses (Presenter: Rob Vermay) Knowledge and thorough understanding of relevant skills will help to maximise student success in the Financial Modelling core module in Further Mathematics 3ampamp4. This lecture will explore a program from a focus on consumer mathematics in General Maths 1ampamp2 to an expanded understanding of loans, investments and depreciation in Further Maths 3ampamp4. This program, and this lecture, aims to develop student confidence and ability in skills and techniques applicable to them all not just in exams, but in real life decisions. Application of the calculatorrsquos financial solver to the solution of several past examination questions will also be demonstrated. Keywords: Number Repeated as E47 and G47 A New Look At Trinomials (Presenter: Ray Williams) Have you ever wondered how many trinomials have integer factors This session provides some interesting answers to this question using a novel approach to identify types of trinomial. Keywords: AlgebraAlgorithmicsMaths by Inquiry Not Repeated Using CAS To Teach Sampling In Methods And Specialist (Presenters: Greg Neal, Agathi Neal) The session will introduce the sampling distribution of the sample means and proportions (for samples of size n) by simulation using a CAS calculator. The sampling distribution will be used investigate the properties of a scenario which will involve confidence intervals, the interpretation of confidence levels and hypothesis testing. Keywords: Probability ampamp StatisticsTechnology Repeated as E50 and H47 Keynote - Learning Year Level Mathematics Curriculum When Youre Years Behind: Approaches For The Classroom Teacher Of Students With Mathematics Learning Difficulties (Presenter: Rhonda Faragher) The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics specifies the teaching of year level content to all the learners in the class, with adjustments as required. This can be a very challenging undertaking when some students in the class are many years behind their classmates. However, teachers have developed successful approaches for teaching in these contexts, with learners accomplishing important mathematics from their year level. In this presentation, I will consider three aspects: What might be possible, how this can be accomplished and why we should do this in the first place. Building from research undertaken in mathematics classrooms including students with significant intellectual disabilities, strategies will be presented for adjusting lesson content, managing the whole class, supporting individual learning needs and assessing learners. Keynote - Drawing, Gesturing And Talking: Using What Comes Natural To Young Learners Of Mathematics (Presenter: Janette Bobis) Drawing, gesturing and talking are natural ways that young children use to communicate and represent their developing mathematical understandings. The interpretation of these representations is vital to teachersrsquo abilities to scaffold student learning of mathematical ideas. Yet teachers are rarely taught how to notice, interpret and respond to such important signs of student understanding. This presentation explores research and practice surrounding young childrenrsquos use of drawing, gesturing and talking to help them make sense of mathematical ideas and solve mathematical problems. It will introduce some practical strategies to support teachers notice and interpret their studentsrsquo representations so that they might better support the development of their studentsrsquo mathematical understandings. Keynote - Planning For And Capitalising On Teachable Moments In The Primary Mathematics Classroom (Presenter: Tracey Muir) As teachers, we are constantly looking for ways to provide students with opportunities to engage in purposeful and authentic mathematical experiences. On a daily basis we need to select teaching content and approaches that will motivate and challenge our students and enable teachable moments to occur. In this keynote we will look at examples of rich mathematical tasks that have the potential to create teachable moments. We will also look at what happens when those teachable moments occur, how teachers and students respond, and how you as a teacher, can capitalise on these opportunities to engage, challenge and maximise learning for your own students. Keynote - Stories From The Classroom: The Practices Of Effective Teachers (Presenter: Doug Clarke) We all want our teaching to be effective as possible. A new document from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (USA) offers eight ldquostrongly-recommended research-informed actionsrdquo for teachers and mathematics leaders. In this presentation, I will share stories from the classroom and insights from my research which bring these practices and actions to life. Keynote - Digital Technologies Transforming Teaching And Learning (Presenter: Jill Brown) Digital technologies can transform the teaching and learning of secondary mathematics: but do they Of particular interest are the affordances of the Technology-Rich Teaching and Learning Environment (TRTLE) allowing visual image generation by technology when problem solving. The transformational powers of the technology can produce technology-generated images to clarify and refine studentsrsquo mental models of problem situations. Research suggests that, not all students take up the opportunities even though they have the technological and mathematical knowledge to do so, however, some do. This keynote presents findings from classroom research in Years 9-11 with a focus on how both teachers and students can facilitate productive discussion and mathematical noticing to anticipate technology use that enables more successful task solving. Keynote - STEM - Mathematical Pedagogy That Supports Your STEM Program (Presenters: Yvonne Reilly, Jodie Parsons, Thao Huynh) Since 2009, the Sunshine College mathematics program has been transformed from a teacher centred and textbook driven classroom to a future ready maths program which is well positioned to lead to students to be fully prepared for a STEM future. The pedagogy is purposeful and fully differentiated and aligned with the Victorian F-10 curriculum. Since its inception student NAPLAN growth has exceeded the Victorian State Growth each year. In 2015, the Sunshine College maths team won two Victorian Education Excellence Awards i) Outstanding School Advancement Award ii) Lindsay Thompson Award for Excellence in Education. The success of the program has led them to be featured on Channel 7 and in newspapers in the UK and Australia. And has been featured at many conferences in Australia and around the world, most notably conferences in the US and New Zealand. The college has been a regular feature at MAV since 2009. In 2015 they presented at the IMA International Conference on Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths: Enhancing Learning and Teaching for All Learners, held at the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland. Keynote - Inclining To Explore Mathematically And Pedagogically: Students And Teachers Possessing The Same Characteristics (Presenter: Gaye Williams) Why are some students inclined to step into unfamiliar mathematical territory where others actively work to remain within what they know Why are some teachers not willing to even try problem solving activity, others inclined to keep trying even when their problem solving approach is not working, and others inclined to change the strategies they try over time Do teachers and students who are inclined to explore share the same personal characteristics If so, what are they and can we build them. We will explore these ideas and Gaye will draw on her research to show how these characteristics are enacted by students and teachers. Daily Tasks To Develop Mental Computation (Presenter: Colleen Monaghan) Short sharp and regular practice with mental computation makes a difference. Many teachers struggle to find engaging ways to help students become more fluent with their basic facts. These activities are easily modified to cater for all levels. In this session we will unpack a variety of activities you could take away and use in your classrooms with your students on a regular basis to improve their mental computation. We will look at setting up routines in your classroom that will enable you to have short, sharp and regular practice. Keywords: Number Not Repeated Using The Early Years Numeracy Interview To Inform Teaching Practice (Presenters: Nicole Rheumer, Mandy Henia) The Early Years Numeracy interview has long been used as an assessment tool. In this session we will look at how this data can be used in the classroom environment to inform teaching. Camberwell South Primary School has spent the last three years working through and improving our assessment practices and then transferring the knowledge into changing classroom practice. Throughout the session we will walk you through the journey that we took, and how this data is then used to target teach on a practical level. Participants will then be given the opportunity to look at planners and data and work through a planning session. Keywords: Assessment Not Repeated Growing Your Mindset (Presenters: Cassandra Lowry, Alanna Butcher) Developing a growth mindset in students is currently a big focus in education circles but how should it be done Can teachers actually change the way students see learning This workshop shows how teachers at Lumen Christi Primary School have had success with using problem solving investigations and reflections as a way to help students rethink their attitude towards mathematics. It will demonstrate the activities, reflection and assessment tasks used and will give examples of the different ways in which teachers have personally embraced living with a growth mindset. Links to relevant websites and materials will be provided. Keywords: AssessmentProblem Solving Repeated as G7 and H4 Assessing Common Misunderstandings To Support Primary Students At Risk In Mathematics (Presenter: Jen Briggs) This year, Derrimut Primary School introduced the Assessments for Common Misunderstandings at a whole school level. This session will run through our reasons for selecting these tools, the set up process and the enactment of the assessments. It will also share the experiences of teachers using the tools and the impact the assessments have had on teaching and learning, for at risk students in particular. Kits will be available for participants to explore the resources and trial the tasks. Keywords: Assessment Not Repeated Data Fun With Bioglyphs (Presenters: Leicha Bragg, Jessica Koch, Ashley Willis) Bioglyphs are a fun and engaging task suitable for all primary students to represent themselves through symbols. Bioglyphs are easy to create, entertaining to share, and offer a multitude of ways to explore data representation and interpretation. Bioglyphs present unique cross-curriculum opportunities through storytelling, understanding student populations, and developing cultural awareness. Bioglyphs can be adapted for parentsrsquo nights, and wellbeing activities including, staff PD, student buddy time, and a host of other situations. Join us for a fun filled session to explore how Bioglyphs will enhance your studentsrsquo statistical literacy skills. Keywords: LiteracyProbability ampamp Statistics Repeated as G9 and H5 Building (And Rejecting) Mathematical Intuition (Presenter: Amie Albrecht) Mathematical reasoning often relies on intuition - an instinct for what feels rightrsquo or makes sensersquo. Problem solving can zigzag between logical reasoning and intuitive understanding, right up to the point where intuition is either confirmed or totally rejected. This workshop will explore ways in which mathematical intuition can be developed. We will also look at delightful non-intuitive mathematical problems - from probability to geometry - and discuss how to bridge the gap between wrong intuitive thinking and correct but counter-intuitive analytical calculations. Keywords: Problem Solving Not Repeated Planning Teacher Professional Learning To Foster Innovation In Mathematics Teaching (Presenters: Peter Sullivan, Catherine Smith, Paul Stenning) This session will be of interest to anyone leading teacher professional learning. This is the report of a particular teacher professional learning initiative that focused on an innovative approach to the teaching of mathematics. The initiative was supported by a set of resources and focussed on school based collaborative implementation of innovative approaches. Data suggest that the initiative had an impact on teachersrsquo practices. Key aspects of the initiative seemed to be the focus on innovation, the provision of quality resources, and the mix of external presentation of theory and school based implementation. Keywords: Innovative Models Not Repeated Step By Step - Maths Problem Solving Strategies Using Rich Investigative Tasks (Presenters: Cathy Davidson, Jenny Dockeary, June Penney) Are your students authentic 21st Century learners Looking for ideas to engage your students in meaningful mathematical investigations Problem based learning - understanding, recognising and applying suitable Mathematical concepts is challenging for many students. How can we support and guide learning processes What do I know What is the problem asking me to do How do I do it How do I separate important content from distractors READ, INTERPRET, STRATEGISE, SOLVE. We will show you how to help your students become proficient problem solvers. We will explore rich problems that encourage students to discover and communicate important mathematical concepts. Keywords: Maths by Inquiry Not Repeated Challenging Tasks: Multiplicative Thinking (Presenters: Sharyn Livy, Ann Downton) We have been working with teachers and their students to explore ways of engaging students more actively in building mathematical connections for themselves. Our presentation will present some tasks on the topic of multiplicative thinking. We will share our experiences of how children apply themselves when making an effort to solve challenging mathematical tasks and the role of the teacher when facilitating these lessons. Keywords: Multiplicative ThinkingNumber Not Repeated Kids amp Cup Cakes amp Poster Problem Clinics (Presenter: Douglas Williams) A Poster Problem Clinic is a technique used to absorb learners in a problem by developing their ability to read and understand it. It will help them do better with word problems. The session is based on Task 212, Monkeys ampamp Bananas, but the story shell is changed to make it natural to use your Poly Plug or other simple material to explore the challenge. The task requires little content background but has a deep iceberg which includes using a spreadsheet, finding patterns and creating algebra. We will explore all aspects and provide follow up information from Mathematics Centre about Poster Problems. Keywords: Hands OnMaths by Inquiry Not Repeated Creating Engaging Activities Using Origami (Presenters: Ming Gao, Jan Mann) We have been using paper foldingorigami in teaching Measurement and Geometry. They are hands-on, engaging activities that help students name shapes, build 2Ds and 3Ds shapes, develop their spatial abilities and improve their creativity. We also use paper folding to make parabolas, hyperbolas and ellipses in senior classes. We would like to have an opportunity to share our experience with other Maths teachers. Keywords: AlgebraGeometryHands On Repeated as G21 and H17 Mathspace: Personalised Learning For The New Victorian Curriculum (Presenters: Megan Blanch, Ash Breen) Commercial Presentation As teachers we know that learning could be so much more successful if we could truly tailor and differentiate what we do in the classroom - but who has the time In this workshop see how Mathspace can be used to create a learning environment for students that enables them to learn mathematics at their own pace, step by step with feedback and scaffolding to support their development of mathematical reasoning. With extensive data capture and reporting, Mathspace allows teachers to target their teaching, increasing one-to-one teacher-student time, catering for individual differences and achieving overall improved student outcomes. Keywords: AssessmentDifferentiation Not Repeated Using Technology To Teach Geometry In A Local (Shanghai) International School (Presenters: Kim Shuyue Zhang, Su Yin Tee) The Chinese curriculum has always placed a strong emphasis on proofs of geometry. To integrate the Middle Years Programme (International Baccalaureate) Mathematics Criteria D (Applying mathematics in real-life contexts) with the Shanghai local syllabus, we will show how we introduced a theoretical circle property via a real-life situation. Using graphing technology, we showed and tried to inspire students to find special cases of positions of different geometric objects. Keywords: GeometryTechnology Not Repeated Pokies And Responsible Gambling (Presenter: Ian Lowe) Ian Lowe and other MAV members have completed a successful research project at Year 9 demonstrating that good teaching about probability using gambling-related contexts can make a considerable difference to the knowledge and attitudes of students who formerly believed in luck or that they had some control over the outcomes of poker machines. In this option teachers will experience some of the activities that led to this and be invited to use the resulting materials in their classrooms. Keywords: Hands OnProbability ampamp Statistics Repeated as G36 and J24 Fostering Student Engagement In A Networked Classroom (Presenter: Thomas Yeo) In a typical classroom, it is common to see some students who are disengaged from the lesson, and often these students lack the motivation or desire to participate in the Mathematics lesson. In this presentation, the presenter will share his experience in using the TI-Nspire Navigator System in the Singapore Mathematics classroom to improve on student engagement and understanding of concepts through some questioning techniques used with the technology. Topics shared include functions and graphs, polynomials and statistics. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Maths Activities For Students With Special Needs (Presenters: Leigh Thompson, Gareth Jones) As part of the Victorian Government Special Needs Plan, teachers are required to build their capacity to teach learners with disability. This workshop aims to provide a few activities that should meet some of the specific learning needs of students across a range of abilities. Maths teaching activities that support the learning and participation of learners with disability will be explored. The activities and teaching strategies aim to cater for a wide range of abilities and recognise that all children can learn. Keywords: Learning Needs Repeated as G40 and H33 Geometric Constructions Using TI-Nspire (Presenter: Mehmet Akif Altundal) In this session wersquoll construct simple shapes such as a midpoint, isosceles triangle, an equilateral triangle, a square in the geometry section of TI-Nspire. Also wersquoll do some challenging constructions by using limited tools in the menus. Keywords: GeometryTechnology Not Repeated Data - Making Mathematics Real (Presenter: Peter Fox) What do Monopolytrade and the Stratosphere have in common Like many other opportunities and environments they provide a wealth of data that help engage students. Mathematical concepts and skills developed by exploring property values on a Monopoly board easily extrapolate to real estate prices in most cities. Shifting from the horizontal plane to a vertical one, how do temperature and pressure really change with altitude The stratosphere is more accessible than ever before. Finally, wersquoll explore how to generate data applicable to sampling distributions, something for everyone Keywords: Probability ampamp StatisticsTechnology Not Repeated Investigating A Mathematical Methods Unit 3 Application Task Using the TI-Nspire (Presenter: Russell Brown) This hands-on session will work through an application task that is similar to one recently published in Advice to Teachers. It will cover concepts from the areas of Functions and Differential Calculus using the TI-Nspire CAS functionality. It includes family of curves, simultaneous equations and smoothly joining curves. Worked solutions and TI-Nspire files will be available. TI-Nspire CAS handhelds will be available if required. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Nspired Mathematics Classroom (Presenter: Bozenna Graham) Teaching with a CAS calculator brings a new dynamics to a Maths classroom. A range of class activities will be presented how to introduce new concepts, check students understanding and create a vibrant class discussion. From short ideas, through explorations and investigations, to assessment: how to encourage and motivate students with a range of mathematical abilities, improve their conceptual understanding and boost their confidence. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated The Robots Are Coming - Mathematics Through LEGO Mindstorms Robotics (Presenter: Mark Gleeson) This hands-on workshop will involve a presentation focussing on a student led initiative, funded by a grant and fundraising, to promote engagement and purpose in Mathematics through the use of robotics and coding using LEGO Mindstorms Robotics. Following this video - based presentation, participants will get the opportunity to explore the same mathematical principles our students identified using the software and pre-built robots. These include measurement, location, ratio, algebraic patterns, linear functions, estimation, problem solving and engaging practical use of arithmetic operations. Finally, participants will also share and explore their own ideas after experimentation. Keywords: Hands OnInnovative ModelsTechnology Not Repeated Getting Started With Lua And TI-Nspire: Create Your Own Powerful Documents For Learning (Presenter: Stephen Arnold) Commercial Presentation So you thought Lua was just for programmers You might be surprised to learn just how accessible this powerful authoring tool can be. In this session, we offer a gentle introduction and all the means to continue your Lua journey if you like what you see. Keywords: Coding Not Repeated Wolfram STEM Tools Available For Free To All Victoria Schools: An Overview (Presenter: Jan Brugard) Commercial Presentation Using Wolfram SystemModeler it is possible to develop mathematical models in a large variety of areas, including mechatronics, computational biology, and social science. This hands-on workshop will show you how you can use mathematical models as a powerful teaching tool. The workshop focuses on examples from physics, dealing with questions such as: How does the Magnus effect work How will a bouncing ball change behaviour when gravity changes What happens if you weigh too little when bungee jumping Whatrsquos the ideal setup for a catapult A brief overview of how this can be applied in a cross curriculum environment will also be given. You will also learn how to gain access to the software. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Working Mathematically With Infants (Presenter: Douglas Williams) Children learn more and teachers love it. Developed by teachers who are engineering their classrooms to enhance childrenrsquos number sense, Working Mathematically with Infants splices Threaded Activities from Calculating Changes with Investigations adapted from Mathematics Task Centre and elsewhere. Access to Maths300 is not necessary, but enriches if available. Threading is a teaching technique using rich, differentiated activities for small amounts of time often. The workshop introduces sample activities and investigations and the planning model teachers have developed to implement them. Mathematical conversation and learning in community - whole class and small groups - are key features. Keywords: Maths by Inquiry Not Repeated Financial Numeracy In The New Victorian F-10 Curriculum (Presenter: Shane OConnor) The Victorian Government is launching a new program that will support schools and teachers to implement the new Victorian F-10 Curriculum. The program will ensure that Victorian students are better equipped to deal with our changing world. Effective implementation of the new Victorian F-10 Curriculum is an important part of the Education State. Schools will elect to access one or more of the ten specialist programs according to their self-assessed needs and focus. Financial numeracyliteracy is one of these key programs. This presentation will unpack the details of this Education State initiative, and provide participants with strategies and resources to achieve the best possible outcomes for their schools and students. Keywords: LiteracyNumber Repeated as H8 and CANCELLED J9 Engaging Tools Activities And Games That Deepen Learning (Presenter: Michael Bairstow) Games can be a great way to engage students, while practicing skills, mental computation or acquiring some new learning. Teachers attending this session will participate in a series of games and activities perfect for tools sessions. These games include a mastermind style game focused on place value, a reasoning activity using the four operations and a BODMAS challenge. Other activities are variations of popular games that have been adapted to deepen the mathematics involved or increase participation, including buzz, pacman and the four corners card game. Keywords: Games Not Repeated Geometry Through The Art Of Paper Folding (Presenters: Averil Lee, Shona McRae) This workshop will provide a hands-on display of how the properties of geometrical shapes can be explored through the art of paper folding. Ten different shapes will be made with conversations and discussions ranging from what the shape is called to how can this shape help to prove the sum of the angles in a polygon. Every attendee will receive a CD with materials from the workshop. (This is a repeat workshop from 2013) Keywords: Geometry Repeated as H15 and I14 Pyramid Problem: Using A Collaborative Problem Solving Approach (Presenter: Jo Knox) This workshop will engage participants in a fun, hands-on pyramid building task that will link with an algebraic problem for students from Years 4-8. Participants will become familiar with a 5 step approach to support whole class, mixed ability, collaborative problem solving. Keywords: AlgebraHands On Not Repeated CANCELLED - Calculus in Primary School - A Hands-on Workshop Using ICT (Presenters: Dena Redden, Stephanie Nitschke, Ronald Dando) The session will workshop the lsquoCalculus for Kidsrsquo program. The project, in partnership with University of Tasmania, was created to provide primary school students with an application based understanding of engineering mathematics, through ICT, and ultimately encourage students into the field of engineering. The aim of the project is to teach Year 5 ampamp 6 primary school students the concept of integral calculus, through the use of real-world engineering problems and the mathematics software MAPLE. The purpose of this workshop is to use the program and share how it combines real-world problem solving and ICT to engage students in complex engineering mathematics. The session will also provide evidence of improvement in student confidence and love of mathematics. Keywords: AlgebraSTEMTechnology Not Repeated Using Maths Games On The iPad To Increase Student Engagement (Presenter: Alistair Shaw) After becoming frustrated with my studentrsquos inability to quickly identify their times tables and factors, I created a game for the iPhone and iPad called Numbla. It is free and available to download from the iTunes store. In this game students are required to quickly identify multiples of numbers to help build their score. During the session you will learn how you can use the game in your class room and the benefits of students improving their time tables and factor skills. Keywords: GamesTechnology Repeated as H23 and I20 How To Teach Algebra To Secondary School Students (Presenter: Peter Collins) Algebra is, and will remain, a large and important part of any secondary maths curriculum. From my observations over 26 years in Victorian State schools, it is a topic that causes an inordinate and unnecessary amount of sadness. This session is aimed at providing teachers with an approach hints that the presenter has found to enable the maximum amount of learning with the minimum stress. The presenter has been teaching for 26 years. Most of his students ex-students do not hate him. He has presented at MAV conferences before ndash feedback has been positive, and nobody much has walked out of his sessions. This session is basically an updated and improved version of a very positively received session I ran last year. Keywords: Algebra Repeated as H29 and J27 Pearson Maths 2nd Edition - Coding, STEM And New Victorian Curriculum (Presenters: Tim Carruthers, Catherine McKenzie, Julian Lumb) Commercial Presentation See how to help save time and make your classroom teaching more effective, with the new features in Pearson Mathematics 2nd Edition. Automatic progress tracking and helpful formative assessment with Lightbook Starter. Algorithmic thinking and coding activities for the 2017 Victorian Curriculum. New STEM activities, rich exploration tasks, interactives, and content that is updated, revised and better differentiated for a range of student ability. Come along to see the new 2nd Edition for yourself, and bring your laptop to play with exciting new digital content. Keywords: Coding Not Repeated Dilating Proofs (Presenter: Ray Cross) This workshop will use the TI-Nspire CX CAS calculator to explain constructing dynamic diagrams and interactive pages. The initial context is to facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of linear dilation transformations and polygon area. This then enables geometrical constructions for the exciting proofs: a2 b2 c2 plusmn bc for 60 deg and 120 deg triangles WITHOUT using the Theorem of Pythagoras or Cosine rule. An introduction to an innovative and instructive amalgamation of technology, geometry and trigonometry with potential for Years 7-11. Keywords: GeometryTechnology Not Repeated Nspired To Flip (Presenter: Melissa Hourigan) Flipping your classroom can be a daunting process. I have used TI-Nspire CX calculators to enable me to flip my mathematics classroom. During this session I will show you how I have flipped my maths classroom and talk about the issues and successes that I have had. Keywords: Technology Repeated as H34 and I32 CANCELLED - Gamification And ICT In Year 9 Probability (Presenters: Simon Lewis, Jonathan Pollock) Experience a casino management group project aimed at increasing engagement and building Excel skills at Year 9. Students investigate the probabilities of casino style slot machines and use that knowledge to manage and build their own casinos. They then use Excel and statistics to create a report to their board of directors regarding their casinorsquos performance. Engagement is increased through working in teams and through computer simulated casino performance. Spark endless conversations about the probabilities involved, core business principles, responsible gambling, and computer programming. All resources, including student workbooks, unit outlines, Excel templates, Simulator and instructional videos are included. Keywords: Probability ampamp StatisticsTechnology Not Repeated Probability And Sports Gambling (Presenter: Robert Money) The Sports Betting Unit in MAVrsquos Year 910 Biggest Loserrsquo Gambling Project offers an engaging and timely way of covering the statistics and probability content of the Year 910 curriculum. Come along and see how the unit covers such tricky ideas as two stage sampling, with and without replacement. Try out some of the simulations and have a discussion about the place of such theme-based material in the curriculum Keywords: Probability ampamp StatisticsHands On Repeated as H39 and I38 Random Walks And Complex Numbers (Presenter: Brett Stephenson) Imagine that you start at the mall of a large city and randomly select one of four possible walking directions to the next intersection. If you kept walking in this random way, would you get back to the mall This workshop will look at this walk and walks in other dimensions and how we can use complex numbers to look at the outcomes. Some of the ideas will be investigated using Graphics Calculator technology and Casio ClassPad II calculators will be available. The use of Scratch to investigate random walks will also be demonstrated. Keywords: Probability ampamp StatisticsTechnology Not Repeated The Senior Mathematics Class Can Be Fun Too (Presenter: Lorna McClory) Even with the time pressure of delivering a VCE subject it is still possible to teach using hands on activities and present activities that are fun and educational. I will share my experience of teaching Mathematical Methods and using items such as spaghetti and play doh to bring graphs alive. Keywords: Hands OnMaths by Inquiry Repeated as H44 and I47 Mathematics Subjects At The Distance Education Centre Victoria (Presenters: Neale Woods, Georgia Gouros, Bill Simmalavong) For over 100 years, the Distance Education Centre Victoria (DECV) has been providing students with the opportunity to further their education via distance learning. Over the last two years, DECV courses have undergone a major transformation to online curriculum delivery. Two mathematics teachers will share their experiences of writing online courses and will demonstrate the extensive range of mathematics courses available at DECV. The main focus of the presentation will be on VCE mathematics courses that allow students the opportunity to take subjects not offered at their own school. Keywords: Online Learning Not Repeated Moving Maths (Presenters: Elise Mackie, Ben Kelso) Looking to excite and engage young students in early number concepts This workshop will use a kinaesthetic approach to teaching math and will aim to show how we can use physical movement to help students understand numbers from 0 to 20. We will be sharing how you can use games, and stories to engage young minds and develop a deep understanding of number in the early years, such as, sequencing and lsquotrusting the count. rsquo The session will harness childrenrsquos natural love of movement and creative imagination to engage them in understanding what each number means. Keywords: GamesHands OnLiteracyNumber Repeated as I2 and J3 reSolve: Maths By Inquiry - The Project In Victoria (Presenter: Nadia Walker) reSolve: Maths by Inquiry is a national project that provides Australian schools with classroom resources to help students learn mathematics in an innovative and engaging way. The resources are based on relevant lsquoreal worldrsquo examples to help students deal with complex situations using a variety of mathematical methods. This hands-on workshop will unpack some of the Primary classroom resources and give participants an opportunity to trial the lessons and provide feedback for the project. reSolve: Maths by Inquiry is an initiative of, and funded by, the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. Keywords: Maths by Inquiry Not Repeated Waging War On Worksheets (Presenter: Martin Holt) In this session, we will scrutinise worksheets and worksheet alternatives, considering what is known about the link between motivation and learning. What criteria might be used to assess the potential of a given resource What are some of the ingredients of a vibrant maths lesson or unit How might lsquogoodrsquo resources be utilised in short and long term planning in Maths What does a balanced Maths curriculum look like in the context of your school environment This session aims to draw upon the knowledge and expertise of its participants and will also provide a range of practical tools that can be implemented in the classroom. Keywords: Innovative Models Repeated as I4 and J8 Maths And Minecraft (Presenter: David Shigrov) Escaping Minecraft is as easy as escaping the sun Good luck Instead, embrace what exists and tap into the potential of what this digital space offers in the realm of coding and mathematics. This is not limited to Minecraft and will look more broadly at tools that could be utilised at various year levels and their links to the Australian Curriculum. Keywords: Coding Repeated as I5 and J7 Re-examining Student Experiences With Manipulatives Using The MATHOMAT Template (Presenters: John Lawton, Richard Korbosky) Commercial Presentation Constructing designs and being mathematically creative using pattern blocks, attribute blocks, and 2-D shapes is a very common, and important, learning strategy in primary school classrooms. Students learn by reflecting on their actions with manipulatives and their drawings. In this workshop Richard Korbosky shows how learners can use MATHOMAT to make geometric drawings and to then check their work. This powerful learning strategy calls on students to reflect and to refine, their ideas as they work. Participants will be introduced to the new MATHOMAT ONE primary school template. This session gives participants a glimpse of the enormous potential that Mathomat has as a classroom tool. Keywords: Geometry Not Repeated The Maths Enrichment Program (Real World Maths) (Presenters: Scott Hamilton, Shyam Drury) Scitech and Alcoa have created the Maths Enrichment Program which has been run successfully for four years throughout regional Western Australia and Portland Victoria. The program trains teachers of Year 45 students how to create and run context-driven, scenario-based maths projects that engage students by showing them the real-world relevance of the maths they are using. These rich tasks capture the interest and imagination of students as they allow them make choices, problem solve and create solutions using multi-modal representation. It also takes a very special approach to professional learning, running across a whole year, incorporating classroom support, review and feedback, and parent and community engagement. Shyam Drury, the coordinator of the program, and Scott Hamilton, a teacher who participated in the program this year, will share the success of this program as inspiration for teachers and professional learning agents in their approach. Keywords: Innovative ModelsGifted ampamp TalentedMaths by InquirySTEMProblem SolvingStudent Activities Not Repeated Obedience And Inequality OR Mathematics Which Are You Teaching (Presenter: Jude Ocean) lsquoTraditionalrsquo mathematics education has a much stronger focus on producing obedience and compliance than it does on producing mathematical understanding. We will discuss these familiar maths classroom practices: silence, watchfulness, rules, and commands, and compare teaching graphing (bar graphs and line graphs) the traditional way and a different way, based on relationships, emotions and communication, which teaches for understanding. We will also look at how competition, testing, and streaming condition students for an acceptance of inequality. An example is drilling students in the Times Tables, and Irsquoll provide an effective way to teach the Tables that does not involve drilling, repetition and recitation. This session is intended to draw teachersrsquo attention to inadvertently working against democratic values when they teach mathematics using silence, watchfulness, rules, commands, competition, testing, and streaming. Keywords: Innovative Models Repeated as I13 and J13 Computer Programming In Mathematics (Presenter: Jan Honnens) The process of writing a computer program is very similar to the process of solving a mathematical problem, and computer programming has the potential to play a major role in the mathematics classroom by enabling students to mix the traditional mathematics curriculum with algorithmic and computational thinking. In this session we will look at how the computer programming languages Scratch and Python can be used to make the teaching and learning of mathematics more relevant, inspiring and challenging. Keywords: AlgorithmicsCoding Not Repeated An Intensive Intervention Program For Underachieving And Disengaged Year 8 Students Focussing On Multiplicative Thinking, Motivation And Engagement (Presenters: Oliver Lovell, Max Stephens) This presentation will discuss teaching strategies and assessments used in a recent intensive intervention research program focussing on multiplicative thinking, motivation, and engagement. This research program worked with a total of 12 Year 8 students who had been identified by the school as low achieving and prone to disengagement. Intensive teaching took place in small groups for two 1 hour session per week over 15 weeks and focussed on multiplicative thinking and exploring strategies to strengthen studentsrsquo engagement, motivation, and resilience. Findings regarding the efficacy of the program will be reported. Keywords: AssessmentInnovative ModelsMultiplicative Thinking Not Repeated The Miniature Maths Book - A Students First Resort (Presenter: Brett Van As) Rare is the student who will read the textbook for help. Do you find that board notes written in workbooks are largely ignored, if they can be found at all The solution is the Miniature Maths Book, a reference that students love, can always find and will use, not just during the current topic, but even months after it has been taught. This is practical idea that can be applied immediately to your classroom practice. In this session you will make one of these incredibly simple learning tools. Full written instructions will also be provided. Ideal for Years 7 to 9. Keywords: Innovative ModelsLiteracy Repeated as I23 and J23 Making Confident Maths Teachers (Presenter: Ian Lowe) We all know that most secondary schools have many teachers who are not trained to teach mathematics. Ian has been running an extensive program this year for just such teachers, covering content and pedagogy for Years 7 to 9, and therefore the curriculum from Years 4 to 10. Come, hear about it, sample some activities and resources. Keywords: Hands OnInnovative Models Not Repeated An Introduction To Programming And Algorithmic Thinking With Python (Presenter: Nat Bradshaw) A knowledge of programming and algorithmic thinking concepts can open many possibilities for problem solving activities in the classroom. The Python language is easy to use and runs on most operating systems making it an ideal platform to teach with. This workshop will introduce participants to introductory python syntax and provide a range of teaching materials and problems which can be taken back to the classroom. Keywords: Coding Repeated as I26 and J26 Our Experiences Implementing Personalised Learning (Presenters: Vicki Nation, David Kinnersley) We believe at Billanook College the ideal personalised learning program offers self-paced learning, a choice on how students learn and flexible modes of instruction. With the use of Mathspace, ongoing assessment, a new Learning Management System and investigation projects, we are now providing individual learning plans for Year 7 Mathematics. Students across all capabilities have shown increased engagement. We would like to share our successes and failures with you in the aim that you may choose to adopt a similar program. We will discuss the evidence of the benefits associated with this style of learning. Keywords: Maths by InquiryOnline Learning Not Repeated Desmos For Pre-VCE Mathematics (Presenters: Bryn Humberstone, Chris McCarty) Many know Desmos to be a highly usable graphing calculator, suitable for exploring functions at VCE-level Mathematics. However, it is so versatile that it can be used to help students understand almost any mathematical topic, providing useful real time feedback on learning to both teachers and students. In this talk we will demonstrate how we have used Desmos to teach Year 7-10 students, with a particular focus on the formative assessment and collaborative functionality available through Classroom Activities. No prior knowledge of Desmos is assumed. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Introduction To Programming Using TI-Nspire (Presenters: Raymond Rozen, Tim Grabovszky) In this hands-on workshop, participants will be introduced to programming using TI-Nspire. This can be done using TI-Nspire handhelds, computer software or on the app for iPad. Programming, has become a critical skill for 21st century careers, so come along and learn how to create, save, and run programs, including input and output, using loops and conditional statements. No previous programming experience of any kind is required. TI-Nspire handhelds will be provided if you do not have your own. Notes: Please bring along your TI-Nspire handheld, iPad or laptop. Keywords: Technology Repeated as I33 and J31 Digital Resources For Mathematics Education (Presenter: Ro Bairstow) Ro will show how using digital resources he has created, including ebooks, apps, games and a content website for Years 7 to 12, has changed the way he teaches his classes and the way his students learn mathematics. All of these resources are free and available through The BestMaths Foundation at bestmaths. net. BestMaths is a registered NZ charity. Keywords: Online Learning Repeated as I34 and J32 How To Run A Bridge Building Competition (Presenter: Peter McClive) A bridge building competition extends the thinking of students in many ways. We have used it to explicitly teach teamwork, project management, leadership, craftsmanship and presentation skills, and introduce the engineering and design fields. We run an annual competition for Year 8 and 9 students from late Term 1 until the end of Term 2, with the winning team competing at Scienceworks in Term 3. This presentation will demonstrate how to run a low cost competition that involves the whole school, and participants will receive an updated file of resources and tips to enable them to run their own competitions. Keywords: Maths by InquiryStudent Activities Not Repeated Creating Lua Apps For TI-Nspire Without Coding (Presenter: Neale Woods) The TI-Nspire software contains a Lua script editor that allows the user to create applications that run on both the software and the handheld. The Geometry Expressions program allows the user to create these applications without actually writing any Lua code. In this session, participants will have the opportunity to learn the various tools available in the Geometry Expressions program and to trial a variety of the applications created. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated A Forgotten Theory In Secondary School Mathematics - Polar Coordinates (Presenters: Hoi Yuen, Hilary Lai) Mathematical theories are often used to relate two measurable quantities, like length and area, distance and intensity. Though direction is very common and easily measurable, it is often lacking in teachersrsquo attention. With the focus of STEM in recent years, it will be good to bring more this reality back into the class context. In this exploration, a guided study of microphonersquos directional properties will be used to deliver concepts of polar coordinates and polar graphs. Besides, a trial of ldquoguided failurerdquo is used to trigger studentsrsquo reflection on the importance of error handling. Keywords: STEM Repeated as I41 and J37 Mandelbrots And Multibrots (Presenter: Brett Stephenson) The Mandelbrot set will be presented by starting with a drawing investigation involving modular arithmetic. This will then be extended to other Multibrot sets. An investigation of the points which are in each of the sets and those which are not in the different sets using complex number calculations will be investigated using a CASIO ClassPad. ClassPads will be available during the session although participants are encouraged to BYOD for the investigation. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Great expectations E(x) and ex (Presenter: Brian Lannen) Maths explosions just has to be the best MAV Conference theme yet Apart from the fact that the presenter closely identifies with the number e (because it is so irrational), ex is definitely explosive. Having mostly taught classes from Years 9 to 12 in recent years, I would like to discuss the importance of both E(x) and ex as they apply to the Maths Methods course, but to also demonstrate some favourite activities for introducing expected outcome (probability) and exponential functions that I have used with my Yr 9 ampamp 10 classes. Keywords: AlgebraProbability ampamp StatisticsTechnology Not Repeated Symbol Sense: From School To University (Presenters: Caroline Bardini, Robyn Pierce) This session looks at the misuse, misinterpretation and misunderstandings of symbols potentially creating pitfalls for senior students. Results of research with first year university mathematics students suggest that despite their success in VCE Maths Methods many students are in particular confused by notation involving superscript ldquo rdquo in, for example, they misuse the ldquordquo sign confuse ldquotanrdquo and ldquoarctanrdquo and struggle to recognise patterns in expressions such as difference of squares when different letters are used. In this session we track likely sources of such confusion and consider teaching strategies to promote mathematical thinking to underpin success at VCE and beyond. Keywords: Learning Needs Repeated as I44 and J38 EAL In The Maths Classroom (Presenters: Ewan Campbell, Richard Myddleton) As a Victorian Education is increasingly popular with International Students, many schools have an increasing number of students whose first language is not English. VCE Mathematics is often a popular choice for English as Another Language (EAL) students as it is assumed that the language requirement of this subject is low and that the base knowledge of incoming students is high. Ewan is a senior Maths teacher at Essendon Keilor College and Richard is the International Student Coordinator. They have worked together to explore language acquisition in the Maths classroom and develop strategies for improving student comprehension. Keywords: Learning Needs Repeated as I45 and J39 Bisection Method and Newtons Method (Presenter: Brian Stokes) In the current VCE Mathematics Study Design (2016-2018) for the subject Mathematical Methods, additional algebra material has been added as follows: Numerical approximation of simple polynomial functions using the Bisection Method and numerical approximation of roots of cubic polynomial functions using Newtonrsquos method. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss these two methods and to illustrate their application with examples. Keywords: AlgebraNumber Repeated as I48 and J43 Harmony In Polynomials (Presenters: Ray Williams, Peter Flynn) What has the harmonic series got to do with adding progressive roots to a polynomial The more roots, the steeper the tangent to the curve at zero This session investigates the above relationship with interesting results. Keywords: AlgorithmicsAlgebra Not Repeated Making Worksheets Come Alive With Adobe Acrobat Pro (Presenter: Brian Chau) Commercial Presentation Acrobat Pro allows teachers to simply convert paper-based mathematics worksheets into interactive digital documents that can be completed via a laptop, tablet device or smart phone. With a bit of Java knowledge, these documents can become self-correcting and fully dynamic. Adobe Solution Consultant Brian Chau will show how easy it is to work with Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (acrobat. adobeauenacrobatacrobat-pro. html) which is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud suite of software now available in most Victorian schools. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Using Algebra Tiles To Teach Integers, Simplification, Expansion And Factorisation (Presenters: Michael OReilly, Norrian Rundle) Commercial Presentation This extended session is an introduction to lsquoAlgebra Tilesrsquo. lsquoAlgebra Tilesrsquo are a hands-on teaching aid used to introduce and teach Middle Years students directed numbers and simplification, expansion ampamp factorisation of algebraic terms. Teaching strategies will be explained throughout the session. We will also provide participants with the templates to cheaply make their own class sets of lsquoalgebra tilesrsquo. We will be developing the ideas firstly with integers, and then moving on to algebraic simplification, expansion and then factorisation. The use of arrays with the algebra tiles build on the initial work with integers. This is a repeat of the sessions we offered at the 2009 - 2014 MAV Annual Conferences. It is planned that the presenters and the MAV will publish these materials in 2016. Keywords: AlgebraHands On Not Repeated Algebra Experiences You Wont Forget (Presenter: Douglas Williams) In the context of learning to work like a mathematician we will explore two apparently disconnected problems - one in number and one in 3D space - which turn out to be linked by the algebraic beauty of natural, triangle, square and cube numbers. We will also discover connections between these special numbers which you may not know and we will discover that intersections and unions and proof by mathematical induction can make sense to the learner. But the most important discovery may be when we ask: Why is it that we are unlikely to forget these experiences Keywords: AlgebraGeometryHands OnNumber Not Repeated Implementing Computer-Based Exams For VCE Mathematical Methods (Presenters: Rohan Barry, Terri Gregotski, Ian Berryman) Commercial Presentation Wodonga Senior Secondary College Methods students, for the first time ever, will sit Exam 2 on computer in 2016. No, not just computations ndash the entire exam is to be done on screen Come and discover teaching with Mathematica ndash how it works, how we use it as a teaching and assessment tool, what it changed in our classrooms and what stayed the same. Wersquoll take you on a whistle-stop tour of our journey, but then itrsquos over to you: learn how you could use Mathematica in our ldquomaximum play-timerdquo double session. Keywords: AssessmentTechnology Not Repeated Mathematica For Mathematics Teachers - How To Create Tests, Worksheets And More (Presenter: John Fitzherbert) This session will be a hands-on workshop looking at how to create documents for use in class that include simple and complex graphics, equations and (if time permits) interactives. No previous experience required. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Creative Design With MATHOMAT And Snappies (Presenters: John Lawton, Emma Waite) Commercial Presentation Snappies are imaginary creatures that can be made using a Mathomat template. Snappies ask students to use mathematics creatively, by developing geometric drawings that have personalities, and defining characteristics, drawn by modeling real life creatures. Callum Waite first started drawing Snappies when he was seven. Emma Waite teaches secondary school art and mathematics and helped Callum to develop the whole Snappy family. In this hands-on workshop, participants will use the Snappies instruction manual, recently published by OLM. Snappies have the ability to foster a love of mathematics, fine motor skills, spatial reasoning and a deeper understanding of shape property. Keywords: Geometry Not Repeated The Joy Of Informatics, From CAT To AIO And Beyond (Presenter: Jan Honnens) Informatics is mathematics related to computer programming and includes topics such as algorithms, networks and logic. In this session we will work through some of the past questions from the Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) competition and the Australian Informatics Olympiad (AIO) to appreciate the relevance and elegance of this kind of modern mathematics. No programming experience is needed for the CAT competition whereas the AIO requires students to be able to write a computer program. Keywords: Coding Not Repeated Google Maths - Using Google Apps For Maths Learning And Teaching (Presenter: Mark Gleeson) With the proliferation of Google Apps for Education in our schools, opportunities for making mathematics interactive, collaborative and accessible to both students and teachers are readily available. This interactive workshop (laptoptablet and Google account recommended for full participation) explores how the Australian Mathematics Curriculum can be enhanced through the use of Googlersquos suite of apps. Examples of how Sheets (Excel alternative), Maps, and Forms can be used by teachers and students in your lessons will be presented (and explored by participants if they have internet access). Google account recommend for participation. You can still be an observer of possibilities if you donrsquot have one. Keywords: Technology Not Repeated Card Games (Presenter: Helen Haralambous) In this workshop, participants will explore a number of card games that can be used in secondary classes. The session will explore various scenarios of how these games can be used in the classroom such as warm up activities, a means to enhance student understanding via a hands on game or to use as part of a school numeracy program. Keywords: GamesHands OnNumber Not Repeated CANCELLED - Using Technology To Teach Statistics in Years 7 to 10 (Presenter: Tobias Cooper) Commercial Presentation This session will focus on bringing Statistics alive with dynamic Statistics software. Real world data sets will be explored in a dynamic and interactive way. A variety of concepts in the Australian curriculum will be the foundation of the workshop. Participants will also see how to use formative assessment seamlessly in a lesson. Keywords: Probability ampamp StatisticsTechnology Not Repeated STEM Activities In Astronomy (Presenter: Stephen Broderick) Astronomy is an excellent vehicle for getting students engaged in STEM. In this workshop, several contemporary activities will be presented. These include: how to collect and analyse real time data from the FUNCUBE satellite. All that is required is an aerial and a Funcube Pro dongle connected to a computer. Currently over 3000 exoplanets have been discovered since 1995. Their mass, orbital period and location of the exoplanet relative to the starrsquos habitable zone (the Goldilockrsquos zone) can all be determined from Doppler measurements from the starrsquos wobble. The mathematics of pulsars and spectroscopy will also be investigated. Graphical calculators will be used throughout the workshop to investigate, display the data and make conjectures. Keywords: STEMTechnology Not Repeated

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